My Opinion Of How/When And/Or What "Z-Day" Will Be...
It will be a massacre, the town square, the alleyways, will be empty, all you will hear is the constant shuffling and groaning of Zombie's hunting for live flesh to tear into, bodies laying on the floor, blood splattered against windows, expressions of horror in people's eyes as they wail and scream, hoping to survive...
In The First Hours Of "Z-Day" I Would Go...
Grab a weapon, attempt to survive, and make a trip into town, seeing how empty it is, make it worth while, loot the stores for some good books in case I need to take a break from kicking Zombies butts, grab some Dairy Milk Chocolate...
My Ideal Weapon(s) To Use During "Z-Day"...
A Machine Gun, or Shotgun, or Machett (Is that how you spell it right?)
Looking for the angel that will guide me to safety, that will stand behind me when I need her to hold me up, that will stand beside me when there are just too many for me to fight off. The one that will keep warm with me at night, bandage me up when I'm in need of medical attention, and help the last of the living fight for life and the future. That angel can also expect the same in return, and so much more.
werewolf zombie, did he get the infection before or after transformation, and since he fed on humans before he was zombiefied, will he feed on zombies in this form?
Aug 4, 2009
Aug 4, 2009
Aug 4, 2009
Komrad Venessa Wicked☭
Aug 4, 2009
Komrad Venessa Wicked☭
Aug 8, 2009
101st Sektor

join the ZFAAug 9, 2009
Komrad Venessa Wicked☭
Oct 2, 2009
Oct 5, 2009
Komrad Venessa Wicked☭
Oct 6, 2009
101st Sektor

today is Wicked TuesdayOct 6, 2009
Komrad Venessa Wicked☭
Oct 9, 2009
101st Sektor

Have A Wicked WeekendOct 9, 2009
101st Sektor

Do Something wicked today, and Share it! Have a Wicked Tuesday.Oct 13, 2009
101st Sektor

Have a Wicked Weekend!!!Oct 17, 2009
101st Sektor

HAVE A WICKED WEEK!!Oct 18, 2009
101st Sektor

werewolf zombie, did he get the infection before or after transformation, and since he fed on humans before he was zombiefied, will he feed on zombies in this form?Oct 20, 2009
Komrad Venessa Wicked☭
Oct 21, 2009
Komrad Venessa Wicked☭
Oct 23, 2009
Oct 23, 2009