Why won't you die....
Your blood in mine.......
We'll be fine.......
Then your body will be mine.......
*system - chester bennington of Linkin Park Queen of The Damned*
You see I kan not be foresaken...
Bekause I'm not the only one....
We walk amongst you feeding, raping .....
Must we hide from everyone.....
*foresaken - david draiman of distrubed Queen of the Damned*
My Opinion Of How/When And/Or What "Z-Day" Will Be...
How: act of god or worse ... Mcdonalds comes out with a new great tasting burger that does it
When: sooner then you would like to think... are you ready?
What: Komplete and total Khaos!!
In The First Hours Of "Z-Day" I Would Go...
Depending on when this first happens i will be one of two places at work (if it happens at night) or at home asleep (day). My main concerns will be that my family and a select few friends are okay and on their way to one of our prearranged meeting places. Then it's time to get what all we need and hit the road
My Ideal Weapon(s) To Use During "Z-Day"...
sawed off shotgun, spade shovel, bowie knife
Other Than Zombies I Would Have To Worry About...
with my luck, running across a pack of werewolves that have all been turned into zombies and not having any silver handy - re-edit I have put some thought into this and if shape-shifters/skin walkers were to be bitten by a zombie in animal form that would just really suck!!
Komrad Kolossus
Oct 13, 2009