Cobra Kommander


Deltona, FL

United States

Profile Information:

About You?
Former US Army Counterintelligence Agent.
Leader of COBRA forces.
My Opinion Of How/When And/Or What "Z-Day" Will Be...
It will start small, hidden by the government until it gets out of control. Then all hell breaks loose, the government losses control, people panic, and then, only the strong will survive...
In The First Hours Of "Z-Day" I Would Go...
Like I'm going to tell you...
My Ideal Weapon(s) To Use During "Z-Day"...
Currently use: AMD-65, Glock 17, Walther PK380, a few others, and various mele weapons...
Other Than Zombies I Would Have To Worry About...
The reminance of the government and other survival groups.

Comment Wall:

  • Komrad Sunyak


    COBRA COMANDER!!! welcome home old friend. you have been missed much.
  • The Dread Pirate Boodrow



    Glad to have you home at last. Need a ride?? I got the mecha you
    might need!

    hey bro. i saw you mentioned something about being underground for a while? what drove you there in the first place??
  • Midhodhinn

    He he...yeah, I can see the ressemblance.
  • The Dread Pirate Boodrow

    I appreciate the comment. I got the Kepi from Fall Creek Sutlery
    I just type "Civil War Hats" and this is the web site I got.
    You can get everything you need for Civil War re-enactmeent there. For both Rebs and Yanks.
  • Bellaleah

  • The Dread Pirate Boodrow

    You got a secret bunker that I can hide in???
    All these women are pissed at me for eating all the OREOs!!

    You will be a truly great hero to me if you do!
  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Komradz and Cobra will defeat all the living and undead menaces.

    “One shall have to undergo suffering to reach truth. That is why it is said that truth is eternally victorious.”
    Rig Veda
  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Cobra Kommander Your KOMMISSAR pikture is OUTSTANDING...

  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

  • 101st Sektor

    Join the alliance
  • 101st Sektor

    we need a Commander for the Southern Command. if you take the Job you may choose your captains. The Southern Command is Expiremental Weapons Division.
  • 101st Sektor

    you will be dealing with non mass produced weapon like these,
  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Welkome to The Glorious Ranks Of The People's Army...

  • The Dread Pirate Boodrow

    How fast are the H.I.S.S?? What is it's fire power potential? Thay look kool.
  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Cobra Kommander The KOMRADZ Law are on my profile page.
    Thank You for all of the effort and work...


    I - The enemy will never withstand a Komradz attack. The enemy will never break through when Komradz defend.

    II - It is the Law of Komradz to fight to the death. If you have no bullets, seize the enemy by the throat; use your fists and teeth. Never kneel down to the enemy.

    III - It is the Law of Komradz to always seize enemy weapons and never leave your own, ever. A warrior without a weapon is like a man without arms.

    IV - It is the Law of Komradz to kill your enemy and try to stay alive yourself, but if you must die, sell your life dearly!

    V - If a Komrad dies, he never lets his weapon out of his hands - even the weapon of a dead Komrad still points towards the enemy.

    VI - He who does not kill even one enemy is no true Komrad.

    VII - If you fight bravely, like a Komrad, you can out-fight 10 enemies.

    VIII - It is the Law of Komradz to study diligently during battles, and to increase battle training every day.
  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Cobra Kommander,

    I see the Baroness has graced us with her presence. Was this a Direct order from you? Or does she have her own mission and objective in mind?

    Kommander Of The LadyWolves,
    Komrad Venessa Wicked

  • Anastasia DeCobray

    Thanks for finally accepting my request Kommander. Cobra Rules!!!
  • Anastasia DeCobray

    I salute you. Cobra is SUPREME! ;)
  • Anastasia DeCobray

    Thank you so much for the B-day wishes ;).....!
  • Anastasia DeCobray

    yes,I found HANZEL Und GRETEL on myspace under a band i liked that no longer is together (DRAIN STH) but the bass player,ANNA K,had them on her friendlist and i ventured over there and liked the music so i went out and bought a cd and have liked them ever since!
  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Cobra kommander your presence has been missed...XOXO!

  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Have A WICKED is base kamp?
  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Fantasy, Wiccan & Gothic pics at!
  • 101st Sektor

    today is Wicked Tuesday
  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Have a Happy Weekend...Yummy To My Tummy!