101st Sektor


Indian Mound, TN

United States

Profile Information:

About You?

My Opinion Of How/When And/Or What "Z-Day" Will Be...
Jan 20, 3042, AT 3PM EST, due to a KOD23 out break, the toxin causes deep tissue damage in the muscles , causes acute brain reflex. The infected, have from infection start time between 5-11 days of life depending on age and health at time of infection. The brain ceases function after 12-20 hour of initial infection causing a zombie like body function until death. The infected will die, over 25 billion humans were infected. The only cure was being immune. The entire planet was infected, this was the extinction event that they did not plan for.
In The First Hours Of "Z-Day" I Would Go...

My Ideal Weapon(s) To Use During "Z-Day"...

Other Than Zombies I Would Have To Worry About...

Comment Wall:

  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Greetings mike edilson Welkome to Wicked Zombies...

  • FreAkSh☭w

    Welcome to Wicked Zombies!
  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    You look like you kan do some Ass Kicking 101...

  • Thanos The Mad Titan

    Thanks 4 the request my new friend!
  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    I Like Your Profile Picture...

  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    From what I kan see your page is Hot...

    Fire Hot!
  • James Gunn

    Thanks for all that you do. FYI, I am the director for The Zombie Research Society's US National Survival Training Center in Oregon. We have 165 acres and conduct training events. We are planning one late September that will involve 100+ zombies so that groups and militias will have a better understanding about what to do when you are face to face with a zombie horde.
  • The Dread Pirate Boodrow

    The Marauders of Boogar Hollar are at your service!
  • blackreign2020

    Thanks for the comment komrad. Its good to know we are banning together. If you need assistence just send me a communica.
  • Cobra Kommander

    Greetings Airborne....
    Do you really want the assistance of Cobra?
    If you do, we will stand up, hook up, shuffle to the door...
  • James Gunn

    This is fun on zombie fighters alliance, but do you want us to work on getting prepared or do you want us to have war games?
  • Cobra Kommander

    Experimental weapons...hmm, sounds intersesting.
    Can we do the experimenting? and what silly governemnt guidlines must we follow?
    Does this include funding for my WEATHER DOMINATOR?!?
  • Cobra Kommander

    I will accept the position of Commander of the southern command if it is still available.
    Please send me a mission statement and any other info on this position...

  • Thanos The Mad Titan

    thanks made the war hammer myself! a pure zombie tenderizer indeed,...one whack and splat!
  • The Dread Pirate Boodrow

    How many people are in a battalion?? I check the internet and found only 100. Please tell me that there are more. 100 is a pretty damn small battalion. I always thought it was more like 1,000. i seek enlightenment.

  • The Dread Pirate Boodrow

    I appreciate the info.

    You can put this sign in front of your house.
  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Welkome to The Glorious Ranks Of The People's Army...

  • Jill Valentine

    Thanks for friending :DD
  • blackreign2020

    Thanks for the request commander. Hope to be of help to the 101st.
  • The Dread Pirate Boodrow

    Request permission to add a limited amount of experimental weaponry to the 2nd Marines. They do exist!

    #1: Particle Beam Weapons
    Have located [4] tri barreled P.B.Ws at Pine Bluff Arsenal at Pine Bluff, Arkansas. At 21 ft long each, they aircraft mounted.
    I put them on tanks instead. Units are powered by fusion reactors that are hauled with weapon.
    [4] Portable P.B.W. rifles as well
    Can slice and dice zombies all day long
    Cons: heavy . Power pack weighs 80 lbs and rifle is 30 lbs.
    110lbs total extra weight for soldier.
    Not for the sissy, must be bad-ass line backer in general build to use it. Very good support weapon. But a royal bitch if have to bail.

    #2 Electro Magnetic Rail Guns.
    Have secured [3] truck mounted units
    Can fire a round at mach+ speed. No need to elevate or correct for windage. Just aim straight at target and its gone!
    Kicks ass big time and is a silent weapon!
    Cons: eat ups a lot of energy. Either must be connected to a major power grid or have an heavy industrial generator.
    A fusion reactor will do nicely.
    Con2. also gets hot due to energy usage. Crews must be shielded. Units must have a very good cooling system or stay mobile. Zombies are some how attracted to heat.

    [8] Portable Rail gun units. Very nice. weigh in at 30 lbs.
    Battery packs weigh in at 20. Magazine can hold up to 250 rounds each. Each round is just 1/2in wide and 2in long.
    Very fast and silent. Anyone who uses this weapon will have about 4-5 mags. A must have if you want to be silent and deadly.

    [1] Squadron of Naitaka Assault Fighters.
    Are semi aquatic and can fly very fast!! A truly amphibious weapon. Only got 16, but they kick ass very nicely
    Will post pics of these weapons when I get them.
  • The Dread Pirate Boodrow

    Naitaka Assault Fighters sort of look like the flying sub from Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea. But are much kooler!
  • DeAdZoMbIe666

    Heyy, thanks for the add :} Xx
  • DeAdZoMbIe666

    Not much man. I do like your pictues! :}! Give me your night vision :P Lol
  • Nemesis

  • The Dread Pirate Boodrow

    Welcome to the fleet!!!
    i,m getting more ships even as we speak!

  • Princess Malila

    Hello new buddy! :)
  • Anastasia DeCobray

    thanks for the request,i accept your offer,lol,;)
  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    101st Sector How has your summer been?

  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Have A WICKED Weekend...
  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    101st Sector it is Always a Pleasure to Have You Stop By...

  • The Dread Pirate Boodrow

    Have a Damn fine time killing zombies!
  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

  • Ema

    Thanks, Have a wicked weekend !

  • Komrad Slayer Tudd

    Hope yer weeks a perfect shot, lol
    Thanks for the add
  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    How is the rescuing going tonight?
    Fantasy, Wiccan & Gothic pics at LoreLock.com!
  • Princess Malila

    :) I like zombie-monkey!!
  • Ema