Post links and embedded videos here. If you are bored stop by and watch a movie or five. I did not upload any of these movies. They are ALL are hosted by other sites. Let me know if and when some of these stop working please.
An unknown infection nearly kills the entire human race. The infected become rage filled zombies searching for the living. After a year of pandemic, there are only a few isolated groups of survivors.
While searching for food and drugs, one of the group finds two strangers – a doctor and a little girl. They have no weapons. How did they manage to survive?
Watched "Undead or Alive" the other day. It's a zombedy starring Chris Kattan and is set back in the old west, It was super silly but worth a viewing. Just know in this the zombies can talk and do stuff. So for those that must follow Romero Rules you have been warned.
Hey Horror movie friends... I don't know how many of you I have met as I am new here..... but I am Keith Carpenter and I am an author who writes zombie novels but the reason I am posting this for you guys is that my latest book by the title of "Freeze Dried the Awakening" had caught the attention of a producer here in Asia (Malaysia and Singapore) and he is currently seeking a co-production partner. If any of you folks know of any producers of horror films who might be interested in a co-production deal to make "Freeze Dried the Movie" please turn me onto them so I can pass the contact along to the producer. Cheers and I hope to hear from some of you awesome zombie freaks :) Remember if it bites you.... BITE BACK!
hey new to the group, alot of ya know me already though...and lol, David Cummings, I saw your movie Die-ner (Get It?) It was good, funny movie, I enjoyed it...
Comedian Patton Oswalt wrote a book titled "Zombie Spaceship Wasteland" I never heard of it, but APPARANTLEY they are making it into a movie as well, Oswalt is a comedic genius!! Curious to find out more about this...
I know its not a zombie flick, but anybody seen Bug? love this movie, its on right now...check it out if you havent seen it yet...(halftime of the game so I flipped over to it)
I picked up Dead Alive, Redneck Zombies (a wonderfully terrible b-rate flick IM sure!!! Im so excited!!! and The Serpent and the Rainbow...can you believe I never knew Dead Alive was a zombie flick? I dont know why I thought it wasnt...bad I know...
It's been an age since I visited Wicked Zombies because I haven't had an undead movies to promote. Expect to see a little more of me as I just helped to build this site:
Glad you like it, it's a got my favourite type of Zombie... The slow kind that stumble towards you in the end. None of your steroid crazed super-dead here.
Attention, Fans of Night of the Living Dead (which is, presumably, nearly everyone on my friends list - I hope...):
by Kyra Schon on Wednesday, September 28, 2011 at 10:02am
The old chapel which appears in NOTLD's opening sequence at Evans City Cemetery has fallen into disrepair. (Until very recently, I didn't know the building was a chapel.) The Board of Directors of the cemetery had been considering razing the building, as its structural issues have become a liability (masonry is falling from the building, support columns are long-gone, and the roof is rotting away), and repair/restoration costs are prohibitive.
Last night, Gary Streiner met with members of the Board to plead the case for restoration, using money, knowledge, material, and time and labor donated by fans of the film. He was given permission to begin fundraising and restoration of this iconic old building. Considering that the board members are not ravenous fans of the film, this is a HUGE victory, and a testament to Gary's tenacity and passion for the project. It is also a testament to the many fans of the film who've stood behind Gary, offering their moral support, services, time and money.
Now that things can finally get underway, we need YOU to help make this restoration a reality, and return the chapel to its former glory. Please join The Living Dead Festival group - headquarters for this project - and offer what you can to make the dream a reality. No offer of help or money will be turned away! Please bring your skill set and brains to the group (no zombie pun intended, of course) - brainstorming sessions are more helpful than you realize. If you're an architect, builder, carpenter, roofer, brick layer (my fave), please, please, please lend a hand (again, zombie pun not intended)! We need everyone on board in one way or another.
I don't like adding people to a group without their permission, so you'll need to go to the group and ask to join. You WILL be admitted!
This is a Facebook post by our friend Kyra Schon whom you will remember was the little Zombie girl who killed her mother and bit her father in the 1968 Night of the Living Dead Movie! Please read this post and join us on facebook to save the historic chapel!
The cover to Zombie Lake use to scare me as a child. When I went to the movie store I was just stare at the box cover. The movie is cheesy 80's goodness. A must watch at least once.
ok i"m like a Romero purist...that doesn't mean I don't have a sense of humor...or like the latest films.. I DO ...even the shorts coming out of the anti-hollywood crowd now filming in Utah...(of all places) ..DEAD SNOW was my lastest viewings...I loved the fact that I'm not fluent in German and still enjoyed the show...personally I'm salivating at the prospect of an actual Zombie apocalypse just to exercise my targeting skills on some thing besides subspecies critters LOL
i can't wait for the evil dead remake. i hope bruce cambell makes an appearance aswel. also i would be great if they remake all three of the series with a bit more continuity this time.
Well be still my heart....actually it's not beating. Anywho, that's awesome...Komrad GMK (can I call you that). Please tell every fiend you know about it and help spread the plague.....actually I shouldn't say that anymore, cuz the plague IS back killing people isn't it? Oh well, if you can't eat am, join em!
Truly Gifted the Killer of Men
and I just found this started watching it and this is fucking AWESOME!!!!
Dec 12, 2010
Truly Gifted the Killer of Men
Dec 12, 2010
Truly Gifted the Killer of Men
pretty awesome prequel to the games!!
Dec 12, 2010
Komrad Venessa Wicked☭
Dec 29, 2010
Komrad Venessa Wicked☭
While searching for food and drugs, one of the group finds two strangers – a doctor and a little girl. They have no weapons. How did they manage to survive?
Feb 3, 2011
Feb 4, 2011
Komrad Venessa Wicked☭
Mar 12, 2011
Keith Carpenter
Remember if it bites you.... BITE BACK!
Mar 21, 2011
Komrad Wayne
May 8, 2011
Komrad Wayne
Comedian Patton Oswalt wrote a book titled "Zombie Spaceship Wasteland" I never heard of it, but APPARANTLEY they are making it into a movie as well, Oswalt is a comedic genius!! Curious to find out more about this...
May 12, 2011
Komrad Wayne
Jun 2, 2011
Komrad Venessa Wicked☭
Jun 2, 2011
Komrad Wayne
Jun 19, 2011
Komrad Wayne
Jun 24, 2011
Komrad Wayne
Jun 27, 2011
Black Plague
Aug 17, 2011
Cult Labs
It's been an age since I visited Wicked Zombies because I haven't had an undead movies to promote. Expect to see a little more of me as I just helped to build this site:
The Dead is an upcoming Africa shot Zombie movie, check out my page, click the like button, share it on. Support indie-made horror
Sep 6, 2011
Sep 6, 2011
Cult Labs
Glad you like it, it's a got my favourite type of Zombie... The slow kind that stumble towards you in the end. None of your steroid crazed super-dead here.
Feel quite honoured to be working on the site.
Sep 6, 2011
Movie Gravedigger
Attention, Fans of Night of the Living Dead (which is, presumably, nearly everyone on my friends list - I hope...):
The old chapel which appears in NOTLD's opening sequence at Evans City Cemetery has fallen into disrepair. (Until very recently, I didn't know the building was a chapel.) The Board of Directors of the cemetery had been considering razing the building, as its structural issues have become a liability (masonry is falling from the building, support columns are long-gone, and the roof is rotting away), and repair/restoration costs are prohibitive.
Last night, Gary Streiner met with members of the Board to plead the case for restoration, using money, knowledge, material, and time and labor donated by fans of the film. He was given permission to begin fundraising and restoration of this iconic old building. Considering that the board members are not ravenous fans of the film, this is a HUGE victory, and a testament to Gary's tenacity and passion for the project. It is also a testament to the many fans of the film who've stood behind Gary, offering their moral support, services, time and money.
Now that things can finally get underway, we need YOU to help make this restoration a reality, and return the chapel to its former glory. Please join The Living Dead Festival group - headquarters for this project - and offer what you can to make the dream a reality. No offer of help or money will be turned away! Please bring your skill set and brains to the group (no zombie pun intended, of course) - brainstorming sessions are more helpful than you realize. If you're an architect, builder, carpenter, roofer, brick layer (my fave), please, please, please lend a hand (again, zombie pun not intended)! We need everyone on board in one way or another.
I don't like adding people to a group without their permission, so you'll need to go to the group and ask to join. You WILL be admitted!
Thank you!!!
The url of the group is:
This is a Facebook post by our friend Kyra Schon whom you will remember was the little Zombie girl who killed her mother and bit her father in the 1968 Night of the Living Dead Movie! Please read this post and join us on facebook to save the historic chapel!
Thank you!
Movie Gravedigger
Sep 28, 2011
Elixir Wolf<3
I would hope this group has EVE RYONE from this site on it =]
Zombies are the new BLACK.
Sep 29, 2011
Rocky Jalil
Sep 29, 2011
scott stutzman
ok i"m like a Romero purist...that doesn't mean I don't have a sense of humor...or like the latest films.. I DO ...even the shorts coming out of the anti-hollywood crowd now filming in Utah...(of all places) ..DEAD SNOW was my lastest viewings...I loved the fact that I'm not fluent in German and still enjoyed the show...personally I'm salivating at the prospect of an actual Zombie apocalypse just to exercise my targeting skills on some thing besides subspecies critters LOL
Dec 31, 2011
Brian de Castro
This special Fangoria tribute issue to George A. Romero looks awesome. I already ordered mine. He's the forefather of all zombiedom we hold dear.
Apr 5, 2012
Black Plague
Brian Thanks for the info!
Apr 5, 2012
so who's looking forwards to the new evil dead remake coming out in april?
Jan 17, 2013
Komrad Franz
i can't wait for the evil dead remake. i hope bruce cambell makes an appearance aswel. also i would be great if they remake all three of the series with a bit more continuity this time.
Jan 17, 2013
Dee Dee Krause
I'm renting Poultrygeist Night of the Chicken Dead this weekend. Has anyone seen it? Is it any good?
Jul 15, 2014
Vicious Lee
I saw Poultrygeist Night of the Chicken Dead a few years ago. You should get a good laugh from it enjoy the craziness!
Jul 15, 2014
Mar 23, 2015
Mar 24, 2015
Mar 27, 2015
Mar 27, 2015
Mar 29, 2015
Mar 31, 2015
Zombie Killa
So I am wondering has anyone heard of hopping zombies?
Apr 6, 2015
Komrad Mercenary☭
May 11, 2015
Brian de Castro
Don't see The Dead 2 on Netflix yet. But it's available on Amazon for $15 or $9 (I have the blu-ray), or you can rent it there for as little as $3.
May 11, 2015
The Toxic Xombie
Sep 6, 2015
Komrad Gas Mask Killer☭
Hahaha I have seen your channel and is so funny TOXIC!!!!!
Sep 6, 2015
The Toxic Xombie
Well be still my heart....actually it's not beating. Anywho, that's awesome...Komrad GMK (can I call you that). Please tell every fiend you know about it and help spread the plague.....actually I shouldn't say that anymore, cuz the plague IS back killing people isn't it? Oh well, if you can't eat am, join em!
Sep 6, 2015
Komrad Gas Mask Killer☭
I am going on my roku right now can you make a recommendation?
Sep 6, 2015
The Toxic Xombie
The Terror is pretty good. The later episodes like after 20 are better. The first dozen we were getting our feet wet. Wasp Woman's pretty good.
Sep 6, 2015
Brian de Castro
Here's an interesting article from Rolling Stone on the history of zombies in pop culture. It's far from all-inclusive (no Italian zombie cinema), but it's pretty good for its brevity. Check it out:
Sep 6, 2015
Komrad Zombie Slayer☭
Toxic I have the Grindhouse channel and will checkout episode 20.
Sep 6, 2015
The Toxic Xombie
Thank You kindly, KZS. I encourage you to watch them all, but the later ones get better.
Sep 7, 2015
Komrad Zombie Slayer☭
Cool but just so everyone knows it is episode 17 and I had a really good laugh. Thanks Toxic it made me weekend.
Sep 7, 2015
The Toxic Xombie
My pleasure. I did notice a couple of hiccups in the episode order and duplicates, so I contacted the operators. They are supposed to clear it up.
Sep 9, 2015
Komrad Venessa Wicked☭
I saw Night of the Living Dead and enjoyed you so very much!
Sep 10, 2015
Rosas † Negras
thanks for the invite
Feb 16, 2021