Zombie Movies

Post links and embedded videos here. If you are bored stop by and watch a movie or five. I did not upload any of these movies. They are ALL are hosted by other sites. Let me know if and when some of these stop working please.
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  • Scatoma

    Return of the Living Dead

  • Scatoma

    Dawn of the Dead (unrated Remake)

  • Scatoma

    Day of the Dead (Remake)
    Warning : this movie will make you a retard

  • Scatoma

    Shaun of the Dead

  • Ryuk 666


  • Ryuk 666

    Here's a flick called Dead Men Walking. A straight to video flick that you all probably saw on the SyFy or Chiller channels. Kinda cheap, but very gory and fun.

  • komrad a.j

    zombieland rocks lol
  • komrad a.j

    omg last night i watched house of the dead II lol IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Scatoma

    Part 2 was good. The first movie was truly painful though. Oh god I can't think about it...
  • Lisa Conger

  • Lisa Conger

    Dance of the Dead
  • Lisa Conger

  • Scatoma

    Wow! Haven't seen any of Autumn trailers yet. Such a great series by David Moody. Not so easy to get a hold of a copy of Autumn, so if you ever do, keep that bitch safe. I love and cherish mine. I have them all and really we all should. I hope the movie does right by the book. It was also David Carradine's last completed film by the way, so it may actually get some hype behind it.
  • AG.

    I was given both House of the Deads as a gift, and luckily for me, I decided to watch the second because it sounded better in the summary. I'm glad I did, since everyone that ever saw the first said it sucks. And II was a fun movie.
  • Scatoma

    I sadly saw part 1 in the theater, we actually walked out on a zombie movie and that is sacrilegious to me normally.
  • Lisa Conger

    I don't think I could even dare to think about watching house of the dead.
  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    This is available on Fearnet. com and on demand!
  • ZombieChris

    Hey guyZ , Im totally watching "Autumn " right now, Ill let ya know how it was tomorrow!!!
  • ZombieChris

    Autumn was a great one !!! Happy Hell Day Guys and ghoulZ!!!
  • Scatoma

    hhhmmm... tell us more about Autumn pretty please.
  • ZombieChris

    I watched it on http://www.horror-hill.net/ , it was pretty good, started off a bit slow, but it sure picked up ! Ill watch it again, thats for sure .

    Happy Halloween to all you Deadites out there
  • ZombieChris

    well, Im trying to figure out how to U/L movie directly here... until I get some feedback, all I can do is give you a good, alt link.

    OK, ladieZ and GentZ , I present to you ,

    Edges of Darkness, (2009)

    Posted by me on that forum

    Please, enjoy, and leave some feedback, here or there, Ill get it.
  • ZombieChris

    and Im not trying to spam here, so you know... But if I cant share my movies with you on this site, then I can still share them with you here, from another site. Take care, and enjoy
  • Scatoma

    Post away man! I tried to embed the video as well but couldn't figure it out. I will try again tomorrow. Gotta go to sleep now.
  • Scatoma

    This one should work ZombieChris.
  • Lisa Conger

    Diary of the dead
  • Lisa Conger

    Land of the Dead
  • Lisa Conger

    survival of the dead
  • Lisa Conger

    Flight of the living dead
  • ZombieChris

    I really need to see survival of the dead, I have some of my peeps working on it, but if any of you can get the full movie , please do share!!!

    And, Scatoma, thanks for posting that vid for me, Ill figure it all out soon enough !!!

    Rock on Deadites
  • Scatoma

    Who saw Pandorum in the theater? I did not, and I really regret it. Should I care this much is why I am asking.
  • ZombieChris

    Scatoma, I saw Pandorum, I really liked it , it was a good one.
    Of course, I highly suggest it .
  • Scatoma

    Let me first apologize and say I realize you have to open some close some bullshit to play these movies, and that unless you are a member there is a time limit on time watching, but regardless here is a quality version of Zombieland

  • ZombieChris

    Hey all you guyZ and ghoulz!!!! Just want to let all you know that I really love this site, but Ive been so busy moving, and fixing up my new house, I havent had much time...
    But, every nite around 9pm EST I go to the theatre at Horror-Hill and watch a few movies. Heres the link, http://www.horror-hill.net/forum/category/horror-hills-weekend-thea...
    Usually, there is anywhere between 3 and 10 of us, and most of the time, it is a zombie movie . A bunch of pretty cool people just like you guys. So if you like horror movies, especially zombies movies... ahem ... then you might wanna chack it out and see if you like it .

    I have the same name over there, ZombieChris , so if you stop by, make sure to say hi
  • ZombieChris

    Im also working on uploading a few movies and when I do , Ill make sure to give you guys a link so we can all check it out .

    Until next time, Take care, Kill Zombies , and KEEP ON ROCKIN !!!!

  • Scatoma

    Sounds cool ZombieChris, I have wanted to set up something for a while where a bunch of Komrads all watch the same movie at home at the exact same time and we all comment back and forth in the chat about it. Have a countdown to press play so we are all basically at the same point in the movie. Seems stupid now that I wrote it.
  • Lisa Conger

    hey jj adams is talking about his new zombie film here http://www.examiner.com/x-16753-Zombie-Examiner~y2009m11d6-500-Rads...
  • Scatoma

    Hey Cool Lisa! J.J. Abrams is a big deal at my house. The wife and I are beyond obsessed with Lost. One of the coolest shows ever! And his movies are worth watching, mostly, so this is great news.
  • ZombieChris

    LOL, Scatoma, might sound stupid on paper, but it can be quite fun .
    @ Lisa, Ill check it out, sounds good !!!
  • Lisa Conger

    So I was thinking about watching Dead air any one have any reviews of it?
  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Has anyone seen this movie? If so how was it?
  • Lisa Conger

    No but it looks interesting enough
  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Yes I am looking for WZ members review.
  • chods

    Havent checked if this has been posted before but heres a link to a list of Zombie films :-
    Wiki's Guide to Zombie Films
    Pretty cool. Guess I'd better start saving for my DVD collection ;)
  • ZombieChris

    hey everyone, just stopping by to tell all of you that I just watched Pandorum again, and let me tell you , it is a badass movie. I highly recommend it .

    Im going to UL it soon, so I will be able to embed it here for ya GuyZ and GhoulZ!!!

    until then, here the trailer
  • ZombieChris

  • ZombieChris

    OH, here it is already on berryshare LOL, lets see if i can post it correctly ...

  • ZombieChris

    and you wanna see "Dead Air" ? well here it is, enjoy..

  • ZombieChris

    OK, one more for ya guys, and I gotta go LOL, this one is titled "awaken the dead" looks pretty good ...


  • ZombieChris

    Need I say more?