Zombies what are they? why do they want to eat your flesh? And most importantly how do we stop them?! At redead the undead we use science to answer these questions by put the weapons, tactics, and everyday objects to the test for you. We show you what works and what will get you killed. We help you to not just stay alive, but thrive, so that you can fight back. “Stay alive, Because the dead won’t stay dead on their own”!

  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

  • saint.357

    thanks for joining komandarm wicked

  • saint.357

    the season two trailer is now up, check it out!

  • saint.357

    if you haven't already be sure you check out the trailer for season two of REDEAD THE UNDEAD!


    your season 2 trailer rocks little brother. i can wait to see what you got in store for us all.

  • saint.357

  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Saint.357 I LOVE your REDEAD THE UNDEAD intro! Thank you so much for making educational and entertaining video tutorials for Wicked Zombies.

  • saint.357

    well it's what i love to do so its really no trouble. i'm just glad i finnaly found a place to present the show.

  • saint.357

    new episode of redead the undead airs either Tuesday or Wednesday look forward to it.


    i cant wait to see what you got up for us then. whats it gonna be on?

  • saint.357

    didn't you see the trailer, camp security, why wind up those pore people on the first season of the walking dead when for a few bucks you can have a foolproof security system that will keep you safe whether your surviving by yourself, or with 200 other people. 

  • Kevin Zombieman Wilde

    You have a good show on your hands. Congrats!

  • saint.357

    thanks we try, we try.

  • saint.357

  • saint.357

    episode 6 now up and playing!

  • saint.357

    so what does everyone think of the new episode?please check out the YouTube one if you can it's longer. and tell me what you think about the idea, its something I've never seen before so i thought i would share it with you guys. also there's the little tip of the hat for "the dead" 2 movie coming out.


    Your videos are informative and entertaining.