Being a Soldier.

This is an open discussion, ask questions about service related questions. Where veterans can share experiences throughout their career, from basic to duty stations to combat experience, and lessons learned.

current events worldwide

i don't keep up with current events as much as i probably should.  mostly because i know american media is extremely biased and we're not actually getting the news we should be getting.

however, i DO keep up with military trends.  and i've noticed a pattern that i'd like to discuss and get some fresh perspective on if i could.

i have a friend joining the army.  he's a big, athletic goofy motherfucker.  ain't too bright, but a good kid.  perfect for infantry.  he got in... as a 14X.  that's anti-air missile technician.  his recruiter had told him that at the time of his contract signing, the only applicants for infantry that were being accepted were high school seniors.  this applied for both active duty and reserves.

now the army is accepting prior service of both 11B and 68W (preferably airborne).  the last few years they were not accepting either.

so what we have here are some very interesting facts that look a helluva lot like a build up.  the fact that they're bulking up AA indicates opposition with forces backed by air support.


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    James Gunn

    My son is with the 101st Airborne as Artillery and was preparing to deploy to Afganastan this fall but everything changed and is not going, he thinks something else is getting ready to start up. I will let you guys know when I hear of anything solid. I served as an M1 Abrams tanker in the 80s and almost everything the media told the American public was 95% fabricated, I'm getting myself prepared for the worst case scenario.