Our freedom is being taken away one great big hand full at a time by greedy profiteering government fat cats. Even the internet the last bastion of anonymity is being monitored, scanned and recording. Well I say the internet should be free. We are citizens of the internet, transcending orders nationality and culture. I say no one government has the power to control what was dreamt, designed and built for everyone. Silvana is a group built for preserving our god given right to freedom, privacy and keeping the internet government free.

gun grab

Isn't it funny how every time they loose big on gun control someone seems to loose it band go on a shooting rampage? And everyone that knew them say it just wasn't like them... But they had some sort of imbalance which to me just means your more apt to be "controlled"...look up mk ultra...they were messing with the Manchurian candidate stuff since like The 60 maybe earlier.