Zombies what are they? why do they want to eat your flesh? And most importantly how do we stop them?! At redead the undead we use science to answer these questions by put the weapons, tactics, and everyday objects to the test for you. We show you what works and what will get you killed. We help you to not just stay alive, but thrive, so that you can fight back. “Stay alive, Because the dead won’t stay dead on their own”!

suggestion box

this is where you can post your ideas for the show. you want a wepon tested. mod made, of just have a way we can improve the show then write it down. i promise to read everyone. if your ideas a winner and with in our power then you'll see it come to life on REDEAD THE UNDEAD along with a shout out from me Saint.357.

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    Zombie Killa

    Could you make a key chain self defense weapon?

    Zombies aren't the only thing we have to worry about!

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    also when i think about it. i remember there was a kubaton key chain that would be quite formidable against both living and undead. you may wanna test it as a form of last stand type weapon. here is a picture. what do ya think??

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      Komrad Scarlet Zombie☭

      Have you done any gardening? In a survival sense? Do you have a yard that you can try out different seeds to see how they grow?