Zombies what are they? why do they want to eat your flesh? And most importantly how do we stop them?! At redead the undead we use science to answer these questions by put the weapons, tactics, and everyday objects to the test for you. We show you what works and what will get you killed. We help you to not just stay alive, but thrive, so that you can fight back. “Stay alive, Because the dead won’t stay dead on their own”!
i got a question for you. when it came to the Kevlar String. is that limb the heaviest thing you used to test the strength? and about how much did it run?
May 27, 2013
naw i did a bunch of other tests and it's really strong. it only broke once on me and thats when i put all my weight on it. and if your asking for the price the one i got was 7 dollars for a 25 foot hunk. more expensive then para cord yes but you can triple up the string and it will be stronger and thinner.
May 27, 2013