Wicked Zombies


This way its easier to respond and reply to eachother than posting poems on the main spot...dive right in, dont be shy!!

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I've bent but never broken, I was always too strong,

Bend, bend, bend, test me, you were always wrong,

Determined you felt, I will break him,

Still I bent, I bent, laughing, I bent,

I've bent but never broken, I was always too strong,

This was my pride, my motto, I shall never break,

You bent me, and bent me, each time I felt weaker

But I refused to break, no not I, bend me I shouted, laughing...

Unbreakable I felt, I could never snap,

Bent and bent almost broken, but too strong for that.

Then one day, you grabbed me and said,

"I shall break you"

The echo remains in my head,

My strength remained hard,

My resistance steadfast,

As you twisted and bent,

My strength could not last,

I bent and I broke, you accomplished that feat,

The only time ever I can say I've been beat.

i like

The calm sleepless nights
Impervious to feeling
Ever forgiving

The shadows of thought
Lay siege to my emotions
Never relenting

Sleep overtakes me
Mercy to a restless mind
Torture to the soul
I like!

like it, now get some sleep! lol


Drifting away in your arms, collapsing in your grasp,
Break my fall,
This moment won’t last,
So while I’m here embrace me,
Shelter me with words; shield me with love,
Taste me,
Sensual sessions, heaven-felt blessings,
Surrounded by beauty, I’m in love with your essence,

Drifting from your arms, further each day,
Still falling, still fading away,
Break my fall,
This moment lasts too long,
Torn between the loving and the feeling of wrong,
No shelter, no shield, bittersweet taste,

I drift away alone, close my eyes to see your face…

The expansion of the emotions continues to devour what is left

Struggling, torn inside

Being pulled.

This way, that way, follow me...

Is this the path I chose

Or the one you chose for me?

The voices are not ones of reason

I can hardly hear the message. Confusion

Overwhelming, frustrating

Yet calm and peaceful. For this is what I know...

angel wings to eben to see.

shadows play in the gray light.

fire of autumn orange, kissed with sky blue.

paint with these in my empty mind....fill the shadows of my longing soul.

make me feel...cry...luagh...turn me to dust!

then let my soul rise filled with life lust!




Fairly recently written, Im a little rusty, I dont seem to have the spark I did before...I need to write more


Perhaps I have a fatal flaw, I fall victim once again
I swear that I won’t and then I do
Self-inflicting what I feel, I cause this
Silent words I spoke, broken hopes I allowed
Expectations precede reality
Why do I care?
Why do I allow this when none reciprocates?
Setting myself up for failure
Something so close feels farther than ever before
Foolish me thought I could grasp it
Thought I could hold it, I thought it was mine
Perhaps I have a fatal flaw…


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Jessie W. Garrett III

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Blog Posts

Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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