Wicked Zombies


i had heard of this weapon prior to my search. here is what wiki said.

Ballistic knives, manufactured by the USSR company Ostblock, were supplied in large numbers to the Soviet special forces group Spetsnaz throughout the 1980s.

Ballistic knives are used as covert "stealth" weapons when a firearm is not appropriate. The Russian Spetznaz ballistic knife is a metal tube with a powerful spring to deploy the blade. The blade can be deployed and remain attached to the handle for use as an "Out The Front" automatic knife, or released from the handle as projectile by pulling a pin then pressing a button The spring in these knives is powerful enough to propel the blade about 20 feet. When combined with an overhand throwing motion it will penetrate clothing and flesh.



the only problem with this weapon is that it is very illegal in the United States.

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this is an awsome piece of hardware. a show i watched "DEALIEST WARIOR" showed this in action in "SPETZNAZ vs. GREEN BERETT". awsome show down.
THATS WERE I SAW IT!. I LOVE THAT SHOW! the fucking spetznaz won though.....
Seen it! "Deadliest Warrior"...Great Show!!!
Balistic knives... a must have!
The pictures above are newer versions, in the 80's when it came out the handle was much larger.
I'd probably kill myself with that. Haha I would be afraid to use the eject feature.
i always wondered how they lreoaded these things once they were fired. its not like a gun where you drop fresh bullets in it. your dealing with a spring with at least 20 pounds of presure and a sharp double edge. so to push it in by hand would result in major cuts. so how did they reload it after they fired it?
Probably by pressing it down on a table. Then hoping that the lock worked.
Go to any large gun show. you'll be amazed at you will find there, maybe even your knife!
this is a good point. the only problem is now things are watched so close that without the proper paper work one can be arrested as soon as you try to leave the building with it. thanks to the damned democrats and bill clinton. i miss the way the gun shows used to be.
the only problem with this weapon is that it is very illegal in the United States.


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Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


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