Wicked Zombies


Please tell us about the best time you ever had at a horror konvention

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I remember going to my first Chiller Theatre con back in the fall of 1998. Lemme tell ya, it really changed my life. I get to meet guest that I would never have the pleasure of meeting in any NY con. Just proof of why Jersey rules. Lol. Since then, I got to attend more Chiller cons depending on the guest they would have. I've met celebs such as George Romero, Tom Savini, Ben Chapman (RIP), Sid Haig, Karen Black, and many more. I hope this comming Chiller will be as good as the last one.
The best time I ever had was at Flashback Weekend in Chicago 2002. They had screenings at a large historical theater called the Pickwick Theatre. Felissa Rose introduced Sleepaway Camp before the big screen. The highlight was Sunday morning breakfast with the cast of the Evil Dead. Weekend pass holders only got to attend. Bruce came late, but Ellen Sandweiss and Sarah York sat at my table. There was one other person at the table and he was extremely shy, so I got to do all the talking with the ladies of the Evil Dead. When I was a little younger I had a higher paying job and used to travel to konventions all the time. I went by myself and really had the time of my life. I will never forget it. I have been going to kons since 1991. I was 14 yrs old and it was a Fangoria Weekend of Horrors with Clive Barker as the guest of honor. I still have my signed 8x10. It was the first of many. I agree with Ryuk 666 about Chiller though. They have the most, and best guests.
I went to that one too. I got to meet Landis inside the building, but didn't get his autograph. That was one of the best Chiller cons.
I just wanna say John Landis, although a fine director, is a real dildoid. I had to debate with him NOT to personalize my autograph. I went through it once before at a Fango con, but I went with it because its a different setup. Last year he had a table set up in Pittsburgh at a HorrorHound Kon. Thats where I told him " look I'm not gonna sell it on Ebay. I'm a serious collector and I am paying YOU $20." Then he reluctantly complied. He just annoyed me. Sorry, just ranting.
Well Sunyak my friend, you can't win 'em all. Half my autographs are either personalized or just with their signatures depending on the celeb. I gotta be realistic to know I may never sell any of the ones that are not personalized cuz I got so many. I use them for decor in the house or to have them on albums. I just got to shake his hand that day cuz as I ran into him in the con and plus I spent a bundle on George Romero that day to afford Landis' autograph.
Zombie Fest which is now kalled Terror4fun was the best konvention by far. There is nothing but HARDKORE Zombie fans there. The vendors are stocked with hard to find zombie memorabilia. Not to mention the Guest are Extra friendly and spent so much time with each fan. It was well worth the trip.
I would have to say my best time at a horror convention was the day I met Dario Argento. (I also met Komrad Venessa that day) It was the Weekend of Horrors in Manhattan from this past June and I am a HUGE Argento fan so it was a great experience for me. Tom Savini and Tobe Hooper were also a couple of the other guests. I also enjoyed the Horror Hound convention I went to in Pittsburgh. It was jam-packed with Dawn of the Dead castmembers of course because it was right next to the Monroeville Mall. But, no matter what convention you go to you are bound to meet some pretty interesting people to say the least.
Well i haven't been to one yet but I know which one will be my fave!! it will also be my first offical one

and you so know i'm gonna be flooding the site with everything that happens there and of course that i'll be spreading the WZ word there too


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


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