computers aren't the only devices that can benefit from some additional security. These days we are using our phones for more and more. for most of us our lives are in our phones. and with few and less effective privacy laws protecting our communications it's time we all step up. but it's not just big brother all prying eyes we have to be worried about. thieves hackers or just the guy who finds you phone in MacDonald restaurant are all people you want to keep you conversations away from. so while full disk encryption is as important for you phone as your computer. (that being covered in another segment) here are three free aps that let you send secured messages to your circle of trust. you pick which ones right for you!
I'm sorry dude, but all this hacker, codes and encryption stuff just isn't something to worried about. If the hackers, thieves or even the government want to know anything about you, they already got it on file. Hell they know where you live, where you work, how many times a day you take a shit and what time you go to sleep.
All anyone has to do is run your social security number and they can pin point you. So encrypting anything isn't doing much other then keeping an honest man honest. If someone wants to find something out about you, they can find it.
Even the phone companies know everything about you. So encryption is nothing more then really a waste of time, unless you are trying to pull illegal shit that you should be caught for.
And if thinking that the government, other hackers and thieves haven't already seen these videos on YouTube then you're fooling yourself. They've probably already seen them and have people already cracking the encryption programs. Plus two, what most people haven't figured out yet is that most of the really good hackers have been hired by the government and these people have sold out because of the almighty dollar.
So even encrypting your phone is worthless. Because the information you provided to get the phone has already been placed on file in the phone company and the government has already received it. And lord forbid you have GPS on your phone.
All this hype for encryption on computers and cell phones now is worthless. The government already knows.
actually most good encryption would take even a supercomputer more time then it takes the last proton in the universe to decay, to break. seriously it's a thing. of course they're working on braking encryption but its more about the stuff that used commercial like the encryption internet sites use like https. not obscure super hard encryption like programs like these use. frankly the technology just not their yet. theirs a good saying anything encrypted can be cracked in ten years. but by then you;ll have something better anyway. for every time they crack an encryption they have to make up a new one for themselves. and those hackers may have sold out but part of their hacking soul is still alive which is why it almost certainly gets leaked.
and most times when they get around encryption they do it by going after the user. whats easier spending god know how many years and billions building a computer program that might break the encryption. or putting a key-logger program into an owned computer and getting the password with no effort the next time the poor bastard logs on. or the old tried and true method.
id be more worried about this then anyone actually crack the encryption.
true the government knows a lot about you so why give them anymore. even the nsa has come out in open court and announced most of their surveillance now a days revolves around Facebook and sites like it. so many people opening broadcasting everything about themselves. they make to easy for them not me.
as for the phone company knowing everything ever heard of a burn phone. you get them now with all the trimmings pay in cash. and it's not just for illegal shit. what if you own a business and have sensitive information like a merger to talk about. or your a whistle blower like snowden, or you just dont want any jackass out their packet sniffing to know your not going to be home between 1 and 5 on Monday.
chances are if
and it's not worthless man especially if its free, which is the best kind cause it's open source. but hey in the end it comes down to personal choice. this stuff makes me feel safer the same way the cans of food on the shelf behind me do, or the cabinet of medical supply's next to them. its the reason we prep for a zombie apocalypse or hurricane tornado what ever. so before you go calling it pointless just think about all the people who said the same thing about your prepping. so who sheep now?
We've all have been brainwashed and have been running scared for years. Big brother is always looking at this and that. The best way to keep them off your back, don't give them the bullshit they need.
If you don't want people to know or to find out what's going on, the easiest way is not to post it, message it, text it or give them any way to have a hard copy of whatever it is you don't want anyone to know. Think about this.
How hard was it for big brother to find people who committed crimes or acts against humanity from the 1500's to about the mid 1980's? Pretty damn hard, because there was no technology like we have today.
We've become so dependent on our technology that we're willing to give up our privacy to make our lives (So called) better.
We choose to post shit about ourselves on facebook, we choose to use these fancy cellphones, we choose to put vital and private information on our phones and other types of media based products that are out there.
I see it all the time, and I know you have too. People putting up pics of there Overseas vacations, people messaging about how they have Dr.'s appointments and those higher (so-called) society people can't live without their cellphones, because it tells them when to wash their asses.
Yes I do think private shit should remain private, between those you trust. But when you begin to use social media like cellphones, you can't really bitch about security because you chose to make it public.
By putting your life in the open for anyone to see was a chose that you, I and everyone else has made. We don't even think about where we go or what we sign up for on the net. Look at what it takes to register with any website now. Back when I was new to the net, all you had to have was a username and a password. That was it. Now you have to supply the sites today with, city and state you live. Your Name, address, phone number, date of birth, male or female and whatever else a site asks.
But yet we scream about security and privacy. (LOL) I just think the old idea of encryption is silly. We put ourselves out there in the open in the name of convenience, but when the government says they are listening and watching, we scream for more security and our rights to privacy. But yet do any of us really think about what we put over the net or what we keep on our cellphones and our computers?
The answer is NO. So when it comes down to it, if a person wants more security and privacy, stop making it a matter of public record. Keep it yourself or tell those you trust, (who will keep it private), and don't make it a matter of public records.
(LOL) This kind of reminds of the same shit pulled back in the day, when cops went through trash cans. People hollard it was an invasion of privacy. But how can trash be private if it's sitting in the open for the whole world to see...God, the hype that brought up...(LOL)
hey man were not all like that, i post as little about my actual self as i possibly can, i use fake information for all those website signing up bull shit. i have filters no my browser that keep websites from tracking me. i used masked emails and i almost internally use free anonymous software. some of us do care about keeping our stuff private. only a few of the most important sites like banking actually have my name or any real info on me. to the rest of the internet I'm just Jake go fuck yourself. I've been doing all this since i was ten and got my first internet computer. even back then i realized to take privacy fucking seriously.
now your right the best way to keep shit private is to keep it to yourself or physically tell someone you trust. and that was easy when your circle of trust was limited to just the people you were in physical proximity too. but the internet has open up the world so that like minded people near and far can come together. we never would have been able to know each other or talk like this back in the 1500. technology is just a tool like a knife. incredibly useful but you have to weary of it, it can do as much harm as good. finding the balance between convenience and security is key. think about if you want to hide something in the real world. Hiding something in the sewer main beneath your floor and its secure, but good luck getting to it. Hide something in your sock drawer and it’s easy to get to but hardly secure. The best hiding places are easy to get to but tough to find.
most of the time when someone sees something encrypted be it a text message or a file on your hard drive, they will ignore it. doesn't mater if their a hacker looking for personal information or big brother themselves. fact of the matter is unless your personally being targeted. in which case you have a lot more problems, its just not worth it. even cryptanalysis that worked for the nsa agree. it's just like a burglar driving around a neighborhood looking for a house to break into. does he chose the one with all the cameras, extra locks, sensors on every window and a guard dog. no he goes after the one next door with nothing but a dead bolt and open windows. looking to hard the break into is just as important as being hard to break into you. don't forget big brother goes through terabits a data a day. and all the flags have to be looked at by a real honest to god person. so are they gonna spend billion dollar resources and countless man hours trying to crack the encryption some guy put on his text to his wife. no their gonna file it away and thats that.
think about it the governments got all this surveillance going on but their not very good with it are they. they couldn't stop 911 or the Boston bombing. just saying. anyway what it really comes down to is i like this stuff i wanna do it. its fine if you dont want to do it but your not gonna stop me from doing it. because as far as i can see your argument is basically this. why lock my front door when a burglar can just kick it in, or pick the lock, or break a window and climb in. it's true but its just makes me get stronger locks and put bars on my windows.
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Greetings Everyone, Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…
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