Wicked Zombies


February 17th, 2020 - I barely noticed you today, Eve. I did not realize that you were even here, they've been keeping me drugged up for the most part, but now they have given me back my journal to examine and write in.  I've been out of it for a long time, I didn't even realize that you had come to look for me, or to try and save me.  Last thing I remember is writing that code number into the ground.  Those bastards caught me writing it and laughed at me, stating that you wouldn't even know what to do with it. Ha, you showed them didn't you? They were ignorant to be stating the number over and over again....Why did they cut your hair? It was so beautiful long. I'm not saying you're not beautiful now, I love your almost pixie cut hair. We got to find a way out of here, I don't care if you ARE READING this Marik! You can't expect us to be your lab rats for much longer. You will see, punish me by taking my food away again, go ahead. What else could you do, pill me up? I am not afraid of you, and if you are doing the same thing to Eve that you've done to me...I swear that the fires of hell will not be enough to hold me back once I've shredded your body piece by piece and fed them to the hounds of unholy sacrement that you call your security guards.

Eve, hold on, if you read this soon, know that I have a plan.  Even though they are keeping a close eye on me and under constant guard, I have a plan. The white rabbit has writen it's magic on the wall. Soon we will follow Alice out of this hole. By the way, I know you were really expecting your gift after reading my previous entries. I..I want you to understand that I with all intentions still plan for you to have it. I just have to get it back from that slimy bastard Marik. MARIK! Don't you get rid of that ring, if you do what I plan on doing to you will be even worse. It will be completely destructive and violent. So much it will be beyond Disney evil. Sorry, Eve, I know I've been ranting here and there, but I have gone through many of their tests and experimental drugs. But don't worry, shhh....don't worry.. Adam is here for you, and he is going to make them pay.

On the bright side, being the top side of this place, they didn't nuke the place like I thought they were doing, they napalmed the area with a special chemical to test the plant life and building structures after it had impacted. They walked me around a few buildings hoping that some of the remaining chemical may interact with my skin and have me breath it in as well. The whole time they wore hazmat suits. They didn't even have me bound in chains or anything..They knew that once I saw you, I wouldn't run because you were there. I hate to admit but they're right. BY THE WAY! Marik, your guard dog Boris is smoking weed in your "controlled enviroment" outside! Hope it messes with your tests!

Eve, I love you, and I am coming to get you and take you away from this hell. They can shatter my hopes as much as they like, but I will be vigilant and withstand their attempts so that I may be with you again and tell you how I feel and be able to hold you close. If done by the book, I will get us out of here in 8 hours, hopefully it won't take days to get far enough away where we can be at peace again.

                                                            With Love,

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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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