Wicked Zombies


"Naitaka". A very old name. It has survived for thousands of years.
Naitaka served with honor for all those who honored it.
Naitaka destroyed all those who oppose it.
Naitaka would seek out all enemies and destroy their armies.
Naitaka still waits.

I have several in my personal collection and my best Buddy Nightmare wanted to barrow one for Walpugis Night. Spring's version of Halloween.
Said he would take very good care of it.. He also said that if handled like I said it does, he would do whatever he could to get me laid at this spring time Bachanal.
I told him that I'm his man!! One Naitaka coming up!!!

[Hey, with promise of getting laid, damn straight I'm going to lend Nightmare the very best!]

I brought two Naitaka. One was for me.

In American Indian Folklore, Naitaka is a guardian spirit said to haunt the lakes of Canada. His picture is on rocks and in villages almost everywhere.
Shamen call on him to protect their people. Most fear him. It is said that Naitaka will drag the evil and foolish people to their doom.

And me and Nightmare were going for a joy ride!!!

This is what happened according to local radio reports.

"According to WorldNews Tonight, There's something fishy in the state of Arkansas."'

At 9a.m. local time, fishermen On Table Rock Lake near The Arkansas/Missouri line reported a disturbance in the water. At which time they reported what looked to be the dorsal fins of two huge creatures in the water

When the fishermen thought that they had the world record of bass in their hands,
they went all out to catch them.

The fishermen turned their outboards on high, the two monster bass were seen making a get-a-way. Chase began near Cricket Creek recreational area on hwy14 and continued on toward Branson,Mo. When the monster bass approached Table Rock
Damn, things started to get weird.

Reports are that two immense fish like creatures levitated out of the water. The two
then started to give chase on the fishermen who been chasing them. The fishermen were forced to run their boat aground at Kimberling City, upon which the two lake laviathans turned and headed back towards Arkansas..

When they first gave their statements to police, they were met with disbelief.
The fishermen were tested for alcohol. They had a 1.3 level. The really like their suds.
There were many witnesses to this event. A local news chopper from KY3, gave chase all the way down to Beaver Lake where the two Monster bass disappeared!

Someone reported that these weren't fish, but U.S.O.s

Unknown Submerged Objects.

Local MUFON agents were on hand to give chase. If this were the real deal, they wanted to be the first to get picture of these two mystery craft.
A large crowd came down from Eureka Springs, [A local UFO hot spot]
Even the National Guard got involved.

About 12p.m., A disturbance was seen on the surface of Beaver Lake. Two Immense Craft now known as U.S.Os. emerge from Beaver Lake.
Cameras started to whirl. History was in the making.

The two mysterious craft began to circle the crowd. Oohs ans ahs were heard every where. They began to move away from the lake when Nation Guard choppers tried to move in.
The larger of the two craft slewed its tail towards the chopper, knocking it into the water. It then used it claws to form a very rude jester at the crowd standing on the damn. then it flew off.

The second craft then hovered near the dam. When it did, a hatch opened up on top and the occupant climb out and turned its back to the crowd of onlookers. The crowd started to cheer when the pilot of the craft dropped his pants, mooned the crowd and farted. Witnesses said it sounded a like lot Godzilla. The pilot re-entered his craft
and turn south in pursuit of its fellow U.S.O.

At last report, the two U.S.Os were seen skimming the Arkansas River when they disappeared in a flash of blue-ish light

They have not been seen since. end of report.


Two vaguely fish like craft settled down just down hill from PIKES PEAK.
The two highly resemble a cross between a sting ray and a pre-historic armored fish.
At 48' Long with a 52' span, the were the very best that Atlantean Science could produce.
The pilots of the two craft were sitting on the grass, knocking back beers.

One said to the other" Damn, you sure did give those jerks the Finger back there.
Nightmare just laugh. But Boodrow, You mooned them and farted on them well. You just nasty, nasty, nasty. I know. I replied.

Just then a jeep drove up. In it were Komrad Fennek and Komrad Vanessa Wicked.
Fennek was giving us a big thumbs up and a big shit eating grin. He liked what we did.
Komrad Vanessa Wicked just looked at us, giving us both the evil eye. "What am I going to do with you asshole??"" You didn't even bother to invite me!!"

You win some and you lose some. But we still both had a damn fine time.
And on Walpugis Night, Nightmare introduced to this girl from Greece.
Her name is Circe and she is a real party animal!!

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Circe is a sorceress from Greek Mythology. Very hot body and like to turn men into swine.
i wanna see the craft myself. lol.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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