Wicked Zombies


Word got to me that some of the people who had disappeared weren't all done in by the undead. Turns out that some of the missing were found, but without their innards.

Lungs, Heart, Kidneys, Eyes , Skin and sometimes the hands as well.

Some sick bastards have been attacking people for their body parts!!!

Heart= Half million
Lungs= 300 grand
Kidneys= 50 grand each
Eyes= 5 grand
Skin= 10 grand
Hands= 10 grand each

Some sick bastards are getting rich[About 1 million] for each body harvested.
Body must be in excellent health. No defects at all!! No pimples, deformities, nada!!

Only thing, the body must be extremely fresh as in still living.

So if anybody disappears, watch your back folks. You'all got a traitor of a ghoul on you hands!

They come in to your group as a refugee, seeking aid and comfort.
They do everything to earn your trust.
They become "Very" helpful with other members of your group.
They become the next best thing since sliced white bread.
They go about replacing you as group leader or patrol leader.

One day you go on patrol and can't make contact with home base.
You get back, all is in ruins, dead are every where. People missing.

A survivor shows up, maybe one of those "refugees" and they tell of an attack by the undead. You look around, notice that supplies are missing as well as people.

Hell, you ain't raided by the undead, You got robbed by the living. And to make matters worse, the shit you took in tries to stab you in the back saying nothing personal. Just trying to make a living like everyone else.

You blow his head off with Colt Walker Dragoon. You get your patrol and go find out what really happened. You find a real survivor. A child with a gimp leg.
She tells you what really happened.

A truck pulls up and strangers in white biohazard suits are rounding up people and killing any who do not co-operate.

You find the missing people. The have been gutted like freshly caught FISH!!
All internal organs are missing. One of the the victims was going to be your best friends' wife. You console all him you can.

You ask the child where did the bad people go??
You track them down and kill them all.

To add insult to injury, some of these assholes were people you knew from before the
zombie holocaust.

Everyone else is doing it. So why should they get rich as well??

I left the bastards impaled on metal t-posts. About twenty so far on hwy 62 near Flippin as a warning to all that you don't fuck with your friends or fellow survivors!!

Komrad Fennek, Komrad Vanesse Wicked, Komissar . WATCH THE HELL OUT!!

You might just have "Harvesters" in your neck of the woods!!

They serve the darkness and are followers of The Blind Idiot Asshole ASATHOTH!!
Ask Hex. He knows who I'm talking about

As for me, I now have to have a mobil HQ, Seems the little bastards want to hunt me as well. I'm going to make them pay for the privilege. I still have the "NAITAKA" from Antarctica. I will burn those bastards real bad.

As I said, watch your backs People. Harvesters are on the prowl.

Hey Nightmare, if you find one of these fucks, hurt them will you?? Thanks a lot.

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i met a few of these "HARVETERS" a couple of times. when i got done with them i asked them to gimme a real fight!! lol.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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