Wicked Zombies




Codex Attack on Vitamins


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An international cartel is working with a special EU/WTO subsidiary, called "Codex," and plans to do the following in our country:

(1) Limit the number of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients which you can purchase.
(2) Of the few which will be permitted, the dosages will be so low as to render them useless.
(3) You will only be able to buy them through a physician’s prescription.
(4) You will only purchase them in a drugstore.
(5) Only synthetic vitamins will be available.
(6) Only approved drug companies will make them.
(7) You will pay very high prices for each tablet.
(8) It will become a crime to use any nutrients — even the permitted ones — in the treatment of any infirmity or disease. No one, including
physicians, will be able to use them to "prevent, treat, or cure any condition
or disease."

An immense German, U.S., and British drug cartel is behind this.

In addition, Codex is also working with some other groups:
(1) require that all animals be treated with antibiotics and hormones.
(2) only genetically modified crops irradiated
Truly "organic" foods will end.


Views: 836

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New World Order's Population Reduction Plan Pt.1

this all goes to show us that if a zombie war were to happen tommorow, our own government will do nothing but make us all who are not of wealth and power to bend over and smile. the fact that they re-enstated 7 out of 12 poisons to our food supply that was banned by 170+ countries is another example of this. and out of those 7, which ones are going to interact with all that we have now to cause the "big bang" if you will. whats going to be the fatal mix to "flip" that magic switch if you will that will make the dead rise and bring about the zombie apocolypse? this is some of the things that i myself ponder at night. this definately gives some food for thought.


We have no political leverage over the unelected bureaucrats from the world's FDA's who make the decisions at Codex. Beware of groups that would have you believe that if a country adopts model legislation patterned after DSHEA that they're "exempt" from an adverse WTO ruling against them. They're not. The groups that are telling you these things intend to DISTRACT you from the ONLY things you can do to stop CODEX: HERE THEY ARE:

1. GET OVERSIGHT ON FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter with Canada & Mexico.

(A) CLICK HERE TO SIGN PETITION AGAINST TRILATERAL COOPERATION CHARTER (Petition goes to Congressman Joe Barton, Chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee which conducts oversight hearings on the FDA)

(B) CLICK HERE TO SEND MSSG TO YOUR OWN CONGRESSMAN & SENATORS & THE MEDIA about FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter) (additional detail below all listed steps)

Why these steps are necessary: FDA is engaged in conferencing with Canada/Mexico for the purpose of creating one set of harmonized food and drug regulations for all 3 countries (with zero input from the citizens of the 3 countries.) This is a naked assault on US Sovereignty, an effort to scuttle America and to force us into a planned N.American Union. More details on the petition at (A).

2. GET OVERSIGHT ON The Trans Texas Corridor

CLICK HERE TO SEND YOUR MESSAGE TO CONGRESS & THE MEDIA (additional detail below all listed steps)




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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


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