Wicked Zombies


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Gregory Malenko, Russian Army-Infantry




hair:dark brown/graying(more pepper than salt)

eyes:dark brown


Gregory grew up on a small Ukrainian farm, no stranger to hard work. He quickly tired of the quiet and secluded lifestyle the farm offered. When the young lady he had his eye on died of pneumonia, he felt it was time for a change. He saw it fit to join the Soviet Army based on the state of the world and assuming he would be drafted at a later date anyway.Upon his entry, Gregory quickly took to the military life. He enjoyed the camaraderie he found with his fellow troops. He has been in the service for nine years.

Staff Sergent Tyler Lindsey, Soviet 25th Riflemens Division.

Age: 17

Ht.: 6'0"

wt: 125lbs 

Hair: brown,military buzz cut

eyes: greenish blue

Weapons of choice: Mosin Nagant with 12x scope,Tokarev, NR40 combat knife,his own hands.

Tyler's parents we originally from the U.S.(explains his name).But he was born in the Soviet Union.He join the Red Army in 1942,the Red Army would take any one to be a soldier,he was only 15 then.He ended up being trained to become a sniper.Although he did become a sniper,he prefers to kill anyone in the way of his target up close with his knife,only in a firefight will he ever use his pistol.If he can he will find a way to kill his target in the most painful way possible. He believes that no mercy should be given to any Nazi soldier.

Karl Friedrick

Obergefreiter (Corpral), Heer (German Army), Panzer Aufklarungs Lehr Abteilung 130 (Recon Division for the Panzer Lehr) Panzer Lehr, a German armored division, one of the most elite units in the Heer. It was formed in 1943 from various units of elite training and demonstration troops (Lehr = "teach") stationed in Germany, to provide additional armored strength for resisting the anticipated Allied invasion of western Europe.

Age: 39

Hgt: 5'10

Wgt: 175

Hair: Salt/Pepper

Eyes: Hazel

Born/Raised in Bavaria.

Served with PALA 130 on the Western Front since '43. Due to heavy losses, we are being sent into Gruppe Reserve, near Berlin. A group of us were hand picked to lead up some addition Recon patrols near Budapest.

Standard Weapons, K98, P38. Familiar with all German small arms.

Uniform: Standard Heer... Splinter Camo top and head gear, fieldgray bottoms.

Sergent Major Viktor Gusev , Soviet 25th Riflemens Division.


Viktor grew up in a hunting family,killing any animal with near perfect precision around his house.When he heard of the war,he decided to sign up and use his skills to help the Motherland.He was at the Battle of Stalingrad,using an SVD that he had found on a dead body.It was during this battle that his commanders deemed him worthy of receiving his current rank.


Age : 25


Hgt : 6'3


Wgt : 150


Hair : Dark Brown and very shaggy


Eyes : Hazel


Born/raised : In the surrounding area of Kashi


Weapons : SVD , Machete , Nagant M1895 Revolver


Uniform :


Оксана Ксения Ельцина, Soviet partisan units
age: 33
ht: 5'7"
wt: 140lbs.
hair: black
eyes: brown
Okcaha grew up in Belarus, Russia studying philosophy.

In 1943 Okcaha joined the Belarusian resistance movement, becoming a member of the local underground Komosomal organization named Young Avengers.The young partisan was distributing Soviet propaganda leaflets in the German occupied Belarus and participated in a number of sabotage actions.In 1944 she left her family and joined the Glorious ranks of her comrades in the Red Army. She was assigned to 53rd Army

Side arm: 9mm Tokarev TT-33


Rifle: Mosin-Nagant bolt action rifle, 5 round integral magazine fed.

Corporal Heiko Stahlarbeiter-Wehrmacht Infantry




hair: dark and thick, shaved on the sides and back, up the the earline, top is trimmed short and combed back.

eyes: a cold and emotionless white, which contrast with his black pupils.


Heiko was born in the Prussian mountains. His father had fought in the Kaisers army, and had raised Heiko during the depression. When the nazi party came to power, the Stahlarbeiter family were avid supporters, and embraced their german brothers. Heiko joined the Wehrmacht, and fought on the Eastern Front.


He is equipped with a Luger P08 artillery model, a large eagles head bowie knife with a swastika on the grip, and a DP-28 taken off of a dead soviet soldier.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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