Wicked Zombies


The Freighter was an old rust bucket, straight out of the twilight zone. And it had rammed us at 8 knots. When we first got hit, we thought that it couldn't possibly get worse.

Sent a boarding party of 5 good men to check it out.
Was going to cuss out that ship's Captain real good. Damn fool could have destroyed the rig all together.

Hell broke loose when one man decided to check out the hold.
He was immediately torn to shreds by the undead that were inside.
The other four tried to make it back but there was just too many.

We couldn't afford that kind of loss. We were operating on a skeleton crew to begin with.
To make matters worse, the ASSHOLES aboard the trawler started shooting at us.
Laughing while they were doing it.

I screamed into our P.A. and hollered what the fuck do you think you are doing!!

All we got was more laughter and gunfire. Ramon our cook returned fire with his
Smith & Wesson revolver. I think he got someone on the trawler.
They cussed us out, said they were going to come back and kill us all. The trawler moved off with it's crew laughing at us.

What the fuck was going on here?
It has been about seven hours since the uncalled for attack.
Ramon said that it might get worse. Trash like that has always been on the seas since the beginning of time.
"FUCKING PIRATES!". LYN , you better get back on the horn. They will be back and it won't be pretty.

Ramon then said that he had heard that some PUTAs had been raiding out posts like ours for sport because they get to haul ass to Cuba or Mexico where the Coast guard could not touch them. Most likely they are drug runners looking for a new hideout.

What better place than an under staffed oil rig in the middle of the Gulf?

Vickers came up and said that they just finished cutting down the boarding ladders on our south-east side. "Those zombies are really screwed with out any way to get at us" he grinned.

"Lyn, I don't see how we can get that freighter loose." Bastard stuck real tight!"

I replied, "Tom, how about the north west side"?.

We got some guys hauling them up as we speak, we don't want any more surprises.
We all went back to work, such as it was. Ramon and Tom went to see about securing the rig against further attacks and I gut back on the Radio.

"COME IN ANYBODY"...........
All I could get was static.
Ramon came back and said that everything was okay but that the trawler was holding at 5 miles away.

Vickers came up and said"Quit fuckking around you guys, We got trouble"!
"Some of those damn zombies got something wrong with them and they're starting to climb up the S.E. leg".
Guys are making molotovs and are bombing the bastards but there are a LOT OF ZOMBIES wanting dinner!!


I Started to cry. What the fuck did we ever do to any body??
We got a trigger happy trawler to the east. A shit load of hungry undead crawling up our S.E. leg. And now we got us a real live fucking sea serpent want to do the nasty with our N.W. side.

Where is GOD when you really need him?
Two more hours pass by. I think it is 9:15 p.m.
Tried the radio again. Thought I heard something.
Tom Vickers had come in and listened. "I think we might be having company"
"Lyn, if you ever prayed to anyone now is the time."
"The Sea's aglow with wildfire, most likely bio luminous shrimp"
"Nessie backed off a little but those damn zombies are getting ambitious."
"Trawler getting closer too"

Just then we all heard what was the drone of an aircraft flying over head.
We went to out side to look but all we could see was a silohouette and it moving fast!
The trawler had opened up at that moment and the big shadow returned fire!!

The Trawler crew were more surprised than anyone. Here was somebody who could fight back!!

Turned out to be an old F4U-Corsair and it was loaded for bear!!
With it 8 .50 cal in its wings and a full load of rockets, it was a present from Heaven.

The trawler had met it match and was now on the defensive.
Last we saw of it, It was trailing smoke.

The F4U then came back and went to work on the freighter.
Those .50 cals and rockets ate that frieghter for dinner.

The F4U wagged its wing at us when was done and flew back north.
But we still had something in the water to worry about.
End Part 2

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Jessie W. Garrett III

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Blog Posts

Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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