Wicked Zombies


Here is an assortment of sharpy things that will get even Zorro to sport wood. Lol.

1. Black Tiger Full Tang Katana Sword $452. Full Tang Ninja Katana Sword $45

3. Cas Hanwei Tactical Katana Sword $190

4. Shinwa Black Knight Damascus Full Tang Ninja Sword $140

5. Leather Wrapped Forged Damascus Katana Sword $180

6. Wire Wrapped Full Tang Katana $80

7. Hammer Forged Spartan Sword with Sheath (Unlicensed) $50

8. Alien Sword (Unlicensed Version of the Klingon Batleth) $50

TOMAHAWKS!! The hand axe that both Native American and Settler alike valued. With an updated look and powerful new metals. These tomahawks will last you well past any Z-Poc.

1. Black Ronin Magnum Axe $30

2. Condor Throwing Axe $35

3. SOG Fusion Double Headed Tomahawk $704. SOG Fusion Tactical Tomahawk $455. SOG Fast Hawk $50

6. M48 Tomahawk $45 (Also available in Black, Red, & Yellow Handles)

7. M48 Kommando Survival Axe $85

M48 Tactical Hammer - $90

M48 Tactical Spear - $85

M48 Tactical Duo (Spear & Hammer) - $160

M48 Complete Tactical Package ( Tomahawk, Spear, Axe, & Hammer) - $195

KNIVES! The fact is nobody can make it in this world without a good knife. Below are some of the best made with FULL TANG construction.

1. Blazing Arrow 3 Piece Thrower Set $102. Cold Steel True Flight Thrower3. Ridge Runner 12 Piece Throwing Knife set $25

4. Genuine Gurhka Kukri $25

5. Gil Hibben Fighter III $80

6. Jungle Bowie Knife $15

7. Ka Bar Navy Straight Bowie Knife $70

8. Marine Style Survival Knife $20

9. Marine Style Tanto Knife $20

10. Ontario Knife Company Marine Bowie Knife $65

11. Ontario Knife Company Mark III Navy Knife $85

12.Case Marine Corp. Survival Bowie knife $70

13. Schrade Corby Bowie Knife $55

14. Sentury Tanto Knife $30

15. Smith & Wesson Boot Knife $25

16. Smith & Wesson Outback Kukri $35

17. Smith & Wesson Special Ops Bayonet $80  (Fits any weapon that takes an M16/M4 Bayonet)

18. SOG Tsunami Tanto Knife $85

19. Timber Rattler Outlaw Bowie $25

20. Timber Wolf Boot Knife $20

21. Tomahawk Brand Kukri $25

22. Twin Kukri Knife Set $45

23. Honshu Kerambit Knife $50

24. Honshu Push Dagger $40

25. United Cutlery SOA Jungle Knife $30

26. United Cutlery Sub Commander Boot Knife $16

27. United Cutlery Tactical Knife $20

28. United Cutlery Boot Knife $20

29. United Cutlery Under Cover Boot Knife $20

MACHETES!! These have been both a working tool and a weapon to the working man for centuries. These are the most up to date and efficient FULL TANG machetes on the market and can hack through both thick brush and zombie alike.

1. Gerber Gator Jr. 18" Machete $20

2. Gerber Gator Machete $25

3. Gerber Gator Pro Machete (As seen in use by Glenn in The Walking Dead) $50

4. Ontario Knife Company 18" Machete $20

5.Schrade Outback Saw Back Machete $30

6. United Cutlery Survival Kukri $30

7. United Cutlery Saw Back Machete $30


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Blog Posts

Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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