Wicked Zombies


we need to find out more about the behaviors that one might develop, after being infected. please base your information acording to our official idea of the virus(witch is posted in the group). here are some things to think about.

does some sort of mutation accur? if so what kind of things are they capable of doing?
can they run? (are they all runners or just some?)
is there anything else that they are capable of doing??

Tell us your findings

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Iam sorry I have been so quet, I have been ill and experincing issues with my computer that make it quite difficult to type. I woul assume quit a bit of this depends on how healthy the individuals brain and body is. It is especillly important in behavor to understand how this effects the frontal lobes. This is, at least the pysical 'seat' of our higher cognative abilities, though various parts of the midbrain (forgive me for being rusty on this, I will find the info as soon as I can) control our ablity to regulate emotions.
How fast they move, that would depend on how healthy their bodies remain, and how long they remain like that

Over all, I would beleive that if this z-virus is mainly a rage vius, and acts like the PAX from "Serentity" in any way, I would assume that the cognitive abilities of those effected would be equal to ours, and only limited by their emotions. Also, assuming no life-threatening mutilaions (either through mutation or self-inficted wounds), they would have the same physical ablity that we do, though higher adrenalen levels might effect this as they do for the rest of us.
That is all I can think of so far, and I will do a bit more reaserch on the brain and come back when I can with what I find.
great, thanks. we are looking forward to hearing more.
I have been doing a bit of research, and it all depends on genetics. Now people with O negative blood are not susceptible to the maximum effects of the disease (zombification), but they will die and stay dead unless treated with gunpowder and alcohol. It is because the zombie's blood type could be different form the victim, thus mismatching the blood types and causing failure of immune system. Hope this helps!
O negatives are not infected because they are immune to the effects of all different blood types, in other words, they are the universal donors.
interesting info. this will help alot.

It seems that would only work for a blood transfusion not a virus that ultimately kills and reanimates a person.

No matter what blood type you have you will still catch the zombie virus or whatever it it through any type of bodily fluid transfer so it doesn't matter what your blood type is


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


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