any of you who play paintball know the guns can shoot incredibly fast and hard. especially the higher end ones or ones that have been modded. so i was wondering could you shoot a hard projectile out of one and use it to kill a zombie? something like a marble or maybe better yet a ball bearing as they are organized by size which will be very important. i don't think modding the gun will be necessary so long as you have the right size ammunition. to small and the co2 will flow around it making for a week shot. to big and you risk it getting stuck in the barrel causing a catastrophic failure. not as bad as if a live round went off in a real gun but enough to damage the gun and possibly harm the user. but if it does work it will be a great option. its nearly silent when compared to a real gun, can fire just as many rounds per sec as any modern machine gun. probably kill but perhaps at a little closer distance which is fine considering you don't want to waste ammo on targets that are far away and there for pose no threat. theirs no problem with over penetrating when your in the close confines of a building. ammo will be light and I'm sure heir are personal sized options for refilling the co2 cartridges. or you can fill them up at any garage that has welding equipment. and a paintball gun has far less maintenance then a real gun. only thing I'm really questioning is the strength of the barrels to handle shot after shot of heavy loads like ball bearings. so what do you guys think?
prisons do breed ingenuity I'll say that. i once saw a 9 mil sub machine gun cobbled together out of plumping parts. even had a flash suppressor made by an inmate. but thats what happens when you lock criminal minds all together and give them plenty of time to think.
this is so true. when you put them two to a cell like they do. they work together and manage to come up with more ideas. when put in a cell by themselves like in solitary. you dont have as much trouble and nobody to conspire with. but they never learn and keep stacking them together like cord wood.
Americas prisons building a better class of criminal since 1876
LMAO!!!!! yup yup.
Talking about the prisons, I say start building these fuckers under ground and making them all single cells...Hell the prison out in Arizona is the best...Hell, they live in tents just like our soldiers do and if they want TV, they have to pedal a bike in order to power the TV...They only get balogne and cheese sandwiches...The warden is actually getting ready to put in a garden in which they have to grow their own food...I like the no work, no eat policy in which he has in place...They have to wear pink jumpsuits and their underwear is pink...The warden said in an interview, "These people committed crimes and instead of babying these people, lets make prison one of the worse places to be and maybe they won't come back."
I still say a complete prison built underground where the only sunlight that they see is the little hole in which they are lowered through in an elevator type system...The entire outer walls of the prison are solid steel with each cell a solid steel room with a small vent about the size of a 1 inch water pipe for venting and oxygen and serving of food, which would be a compound in which supplies the body with all the vital nutrients the body needs for staying alive...Plus if someone is there for death row, the vent also serves as a gassing delivery system...
Noe leaves their cells unless going to court and all guards are armed with the latest in military weaponry...If anyone causes any problems then the guards have all rights in shooting them and filing a report in which they are to say the prisoner tried to escape...Plus we place live executions on TV in which we say if you kill people, this is what you get...But we kill the murderer just like he or she killed their victims...
But this is just something I thought would work...But, all those liberal pricks would say that was against some bullshit right as a human...But to me, do a crime you lost all rights and even the right to be called a human...
All pedophiles would be secretly castrated before entering the prison...Once their term in prison is down, just seeing the sunlight alone will fuck them up to the point they'll never want to come back to the Coffin...(LOL)
But it's just something I thought about...(LOL) But hell, even the prisoners have ways of making shivs let alone guns...
I saw one episode of Raw: Lock-up where this guy showed them how to make a shiv using just plastic coffee lids...So if they can come up with shit like making weapons, why not use that knowledge to make a living...Ooops, did I say something that makes sense....(L)
prisons use to be like that all solitary confinement but the problem they found is you lock some one up alone for that long and people just crack. so you turned a dangerous criminal into a metal unstable dangerous criminal. thats like giving a bear a grenade launcher. the real problem is were putting petty offends in with harden criminals. in a world where you either eat or be eaten. what do you think is gonna happen, you a turn a punk who just needs a lesson in manors into someone who doesn't care about human life.
the problem with your plan, not that it doesn't sound nice is, who decides where the line is. whats a worth crime of going to this new super max you designed. killers, rapists, thieves the kid who steels a candy bar from seven eleven. what about if you hurt some one by accident. or run a red light. theirs a movie that i saw on starz a while back. hard working family man trying to make a living, kid breaks into his house steals his wallet guy goes after him with a baseball bat accidentally kills him when he hits the kid from behind. family man goes to jail where the guards are just as sadistic as the inmates even plan to kill him when he refuses to fight like a dog for the guards amusement. has to join the white supremacist just to survive. it's a good look into the true face of prisons, worth a watch sorry i cant remember the name.
the thing is human rights have to be for ever one, they have to be inalienably. because if we're all not free, then no body is. thats what keeps this great country from being a dictator ship. Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely. no one has the right to strip away basic human dignity from a person because once you start looking at another person as being less then human you will never stop. we have seen it time and time again, race, creed, ideology even criminal behavior. once there's a president it won't be long until that finger of judgment is pointing right at you. criminals need to be punished for what they've done. actions need consequences, but we must never forget that they are human to. not for their sakes but for our own.
I'll agree with you on the part of treating people with dignity.
But when a person kills someone, this is my opinion, that person shouldn't be able to grow old on death row, write books, sign rights to movie deals and other ridiculous shit that is offered to them...Hell the criminals have more rights then the victim's families have...I've seen it way to much just in my life in where the criminal gets 3 meals a day, a bed, TV's and other shit, while the victim's and their families end up with nothing but an empty bedroom or no mommy or daddy...
I always thought that the criminal justice system was fucked up...
Like I said, it was just something of an idea of the underground prison...(L) I really hadn't thought about how to separate the petty criminals from the serials...I just had an idea for an underground prison where after the prison is filled to a capacity, the guards are taken out of the prison and placed above ground monitoring through cameras... All cell doors are opened and the prisoners create their own world...If things get to far out of hand, we just do what the CDC has set up for all their buildings, a safe guard in which the entire building is consumed by fire...
Anyways, It was an idea in which I thought about...Just never really planned everything out to the very bottom bolt...(LOL) Figured I would use it for a story though...(L)
yeah but nothing can be done to help that, once somebody's gone thats it nothings gone bring them back or fill the whole it's left in peoples hearts when their gone regardless of whether the killer dies or not. i wasn't talking about the death penalty though. just that person should never be treated like a rat. sure maybe they deserve to die for what they did but we need to keep human dignity in focus. other wise were no better then the murder himself. and it will spiral out of control.
like your prison idea you fill it with convect but who goes in to that hell and why. will it be just the regular scumbags political prisoners, dissidents people who speak out against the powers that be. where do we stop. you know the Nazis started by rounding up criminals for the good of everyone and we saw what that lead to right? sure the penal system in this country isn't perfect, but thats because humans aren't perfect. were living contradictions every last one of us. people have to be punished, but the line must also be drawn, because they are people. flesh and blood just like you and me. and either of us could have fall down the wrong path and ended up a criminal. and still may, would you be willing to step into your underground prison if you broke the law. just food for thought. not trying to be preachy.
if i dont miss my guess. they already have underground super max prisons. they are reserved for the worst of the worst in the system. when all attempts have been exhausted and failed. that is where they go. and they have them one to a cell. they exercise them in a cage above ground. the underground system is steel and concrete. they get one shower a day. one laundry day. and absolutely no visitors what so ever. and usually the ones that go there are strictly the murderers and the ones with reputations for assaulting and even killing guards just for fun. and in some of them. i do believe they have a death row to them. so your idea for this type of prison is being implemented already. they just only get a fraction of the stuff you want Jessie. they get no TV or radio. they get a basic meal. just enough to keep them alive to serve their life sentence and if they have a death row. its the type that the state approves of be it the gas chamber, lethal injection or old sparky (the electric chair). but i do feel they need more of these super max prisons because there is only like a hand full of them in this country and there are more hardened criminal then misdemeanor and white collar criminals and they need to be isolated to a place where they can not only give the minor offenders a chance to be rehabilitated. but give the minor criminal some protection to. because all the little guys wants is to serve their time and go home. not made a girlfriend to the big beefy lifer named BUBBA THE BUTT WRECKER. lol. and to answer the question before i am asked.
the answer is if i did a crime bad enough to go there. then i get whats coming to me.
the point was what if you didn't do something worth of going there but still get sent any way. anything can be abused, and the more power you give something the likelier that it's going to happen. the right to be recognized as a human being needs to be protected at all cost. because it is fragile and all to easily forgotten of its importance. but once it's gone it's a damn hard struggle to get it back and it comes with a whole lot of blood. still that simple fragile concept that we all have the fight to recognized as equals in each others eyes is the only thing worth fighting for. it maybe just an inch of us, but it's all we are. theirs a quote i like.
"becareful fighting monsters lest you become one yourself. for when you stare into the abyss the abyss stares back into you."
more often then not the things we build to protect us end up being our worst threat. i for one would rather live with hypocrisy of treat criminal with basic human equality then have to face an America where the value of peoples lives can be picked and chosen at random. of course i realize in realty thats already the case for some. it's a gilded veneer hiding the blood and rust of the world but that fact i can type all this out with out have gestapo kicking down my door means it's not all for nothing. the worlds a hard place but it's all we got so despite the shit and the blood it's beautiful.
wow haven't gone on a rant like that in awhile, humans sure are paradoxical.
I see your point...But once a person has committed a crime, like murder, in my book and a lot of us in Tennessee feel this way, you lose all rights that a human has...Even the right to be treated with dignity...If you kill someone, (Unless other then defending your family, your kids, yourself or another human), you lose any rights that even God gave to you...You want to act like an animal, (like most of the murderers now a days), then you get treated like one...
Just to know where I stand, all rapists, drug dealers, pedophiles are the same as a murderer in my eyes. So if they want to act like animals, why not treat them like animals and lets have them fight to the death in gladiator style fights...
Look, I had a family member murdered by a man that raped her, killed her, raped her dead body for two days and lived in her house for a week before my aunt found her, naked in the kitchen cut up, body parts dismembered and her heart laying on the counter. All through the damn trial of the bastard all he did was say was she tasted so good...The motherfucker actually got put in a mental institution and was released just three years after...He then killed another woman and did a lot worse to the poor woman...
I will say this, the dirty little prick actually got life out of that trial, which he only got 10 years for my great aunt's murder and severed only 3 years in a mental ward and was released...So when someone treats a person like an animal they should be treat as a rabid animal...Cage their asses and lets barely keep them alive...
I'm not saying all criminals should be treated like this, but damn it, lets quit making these guys lives easy for whatever their sentence is..If its something along the lines of pick pocketing to hell even grand theft auto, I can see where they should be staying in jail for 6 months to 2 years...But that means they should be in jail, not prison...There's a difference...
Anyways, not saying you don't have a point in treating people with dignity, but when they show no dignity to those they have wronged, why should they be treat better then most rabid animals?? If they would have shown that same dignity to those they committed the crime against, then the crime wouldn't have happened...
Sorry, but once you suffer an actual criminal event, your views change...I used to be like lets give these dumbasses a second chance...Now, after going through this, I can solve the overcrowding problem if they just give me the lever to old sparky...
I'm not a bad person, just my views have changed on things every since my great aunt was murdered...So when someone says how would you feel if you???.....I usually tell them this, if I killed someone because of some food, jewelry, money or whatever, treat me the same way I treated my victims...I had no respect for their lives, so don't have respect for mine...
I mean I see where a lot of people have this problem, in which we are talking about, but most who have the view of we need to show compassion, treat them with dignity and respect, have never had to be on the other side of those who have suffered like my family...
I'm not saying lets not give certain people a second chance, hell I do it all the time...But when it comes to crimes in which people are treated like nothing more then rabid animals, then the criminal should be treated the same way...We can always say we need tougher laws, but if you don't have people enforcing them, what use is it??
It will always be like this in my world, where if you act like an animal, you will and should be treated like one...But untill the Z-poc happens and I am able to create Haven, I just sit back and watch how FUCKED UP the world is....(LOL)
I don't know if what I'm trying to say is getting out, but hopefully my point has come out somewhere in my ramblings...
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Greetings Everyone, Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…
ContinuePosted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment
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