Wicked Zombies


Zombie killing 101 - Unique Methods for Re-deading the Undead!

Good morning class! today were going to discuss the most obscure ways in which to re-dead the undead. now as we all know there are countless and imaginative ways to dispatch the undead. you can shoot them in the head, the bash their skulls in, you can cut off their heads, set them on fire, dose them with acid and far to many others to get into. Now what i want to discuss are what are some of the more obscure ways deal with our friends the zombies. as an example i would like to introduce you to a little known method called the BEAR TRAP GUILLOTINE!


This wonderfully underused method uses a large bear trap attached to a long chain to form something akin to the grabber in an arcade claw game. The survivor would then stand leaning the top half of his body out the second or higher story window of a building. the zombie would be down bellow, preferably right under the window, perhaps loured to the spot my the survivors call. the survivor would then lower the trap out the window by the chain. stopping just a hairs breath away from the top of the zombies head. the survivor would then line up the trap very carefully and then let the trap land dead square (pardon the pun) on the zombies head. this would trigger the pressure plate and the trap would close. given the rotting nature zombies in general and the amazing pressure the bear trap can apply when snapping shut. the trap would close breaking the zombies neck and in many cases removing the head altogether. the now headless body will fall to the ground and the survivor is free to pull the trap, along with the severed head back up to be dispatched with so that the rig can be reset. now while the bear trap guillotine is inventive and simple their is a reason it is not seen very often. one it requires the use of a bear trap, a hard to come-by specialty item. two it requires the survivor to be held up in a fortified two story or higher building. three the zombies need to come to the survivor. four it requires spot on aiming to archive which can result in a lot of failed attempts. five since the head of a zombie remains alive after decapitation this is not a one shot kill method requiring a second blow which places the survivor in risk of infection. how ever if the required criteria are met then this can be a simple and affective means of dispatching zombies trying to get into to your safe house.   


Well now its time students for you to tell me your most on Orthodox methods for re-deadtification. please be sure to explain it in detail and list its pros and cons and as always remember this will be on the midterm!     



((okay for those of you who suffer with short attention spans, or are just simply to lazy to read through my carefully worded and literally brilliant introduction here's the skinny. i want you to post your most creative and unique zombie killing method that we've never seen before. the more creative and detailed the better, so what are you still doing reading this come on get busy CHOP CHOP!)) 

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Starve the zombies out. A lot of people do not understand that zombies will continue rotting indefinitely. If you can survive a good 4-5 years into the apocalypse, then you will live in an almost zombie-free world. Once the zombies infect more than 50% of the population, they will have a hard time finding more people to kill and infect. Because of this, their numbers will stabilize for a couple of years and then begin to fall. A zombie only has a life span of 2-3 years, after which point they will be too corroded to be any threat.

where are you getting two to three years. normally a corpse left out in the elements can become nothing but bones in less then a week. truth is no one knows how or even if zombies will continue to rot. if they do normally then their almost no threat. if every body just stays cool and hide in their houses all locked up safe then the z poc will be over in less then a month. but if zombies somehow found away to avoid rotting or slow it down to a crawl then were all fucked. anyway good suggestion but not what were looking for. this is all about cool ways to smash zombie skulls.

to a degree she is right. it all depends on the area you are in. if you are in a hot area or a fairly moist environment. then the decay will be up to a week. however as the climate areas with cooler to cold conditions go. the slower the decomposition. however as with all zombies. the strength is not so much how long they last. but the numbers they have. in the first year or two. the numbers will be such that it would not be a smart idea to just dig into ones home and expect to be there more then a few days. reason being the numbers would rip the house you are in down around you. after all, they dont need sleep. but we do. and it is theorized that the zombie virus does slow down the rate of decomposition. so the figures she gave are on the money if you go by the theory that the virus slows decomposing.

well we will never really know untill they rise. till then it's all just theory. i think thats why as soon as it all starts someone has to go out and test the zombies to find out just what were dealing with and then get the word out. lack of and miss information will be the undead greatest strength.

this one wont kill, but it'll slow people down

ahh the pungy trap, the Vietcong were truly the masters of the booby trap. make it a little deeper and the zombie won't be able to get out. get rid of the hinged trap door. zombies don't need to be tricked. replace with board full of nails that swings down when ever anything falls in the pit and goes through the zombies head. or dig lots of these pit traps around your base. fill with zombies, cover and use as traps for the living.

you're thinking of the deadfall trap which was used in Predator and Predators

Light the zombie on fire. This is a sometimes underutilized zombie killing method. This is because a lot of people don't think that lighting a zombie on fire is enough to destroy the brain. That idea, however, is false. If you cover a zombie in gasoline and light it on fire, the heat will be enough to liquefy the brain and cause the zombie to die. The goal is to get a good amount of gasoline on the torso or head of the zombie so you can be sure a lot of the heat and reaction is focused there.


i agree and even if it doesn't destroy the brain right away, the fire will melt its skin and muscles rather quickly making it unable to move. it will also destroy its all factory senses so it wont be able to come after you.but there will be a time, no mater how short where it will be stumbling around on fire. wich will set everything else it comes in contact with on fire. which in a zpoc with no fire men can spread quickly out of control. and why waste the resource. it will take a lot of gas to burn even one zombie. and every gallon you waste is one you could have put in your car or your geny. its just not worth it unless you can trap a whole bunch in a controlled blaze away from any other combustion sources. remember every wild fire started from a single spark.

Lasso that bitch! You don't have to be a cowboy just a good or kinda good shot. Throw out and yack that zombie head right off, lol
(May require a bit of dragging)

it's funny i had an idea about that. maybe making the noose out of barbed wire, or even better razor wire.

here are some diagrams of some booby traps that our men faced in Vietnam. they were quite effective. so if you were to place some of them about head level. they could easily kill a zombie and out of these designs. only one of them is a noisy one to use. so if used. its best as a last resort because of the blast.



trap 3 - TREE FLAIL



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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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