Just something I thought I would throw this out there...I'm in the process of writing a book. This isn't your typical zombie outbreak book in which the idiot characters don't know what is happening.
This is an adventure of a prepper who believed in the Zombie Apocalypse, prepped for the Z-poc and now has to face the separation of him and his family with miles between them...With his parents and siblings only 30 miles from him and his wife and kids over 1300 miles away, does he choose who to save??? Does he try to save them all??? Can he save them all?? Or does saving one mean losing the other??...
So would you guys want to read something like this?? Where the harshness and brashness of the main character can damn near make you hate him?? Until he is faced with some really heart wrenching situations involving his mentally handicapped Brother and Nephew...Would you like to read something like this??
Let me know what you think...Damn thing isn't finished yet and of course it still hasn't got a title yet....
But seeing if anyone would read a story like this is a good way to see if I should continue the way it is, or go back and begin changing everything around and turn the main character into some emotional, guilt ridden, dumbass who has no idea what the hell a zombie is...(LOL)
Even if you wouldn't like to read something like that, tuff I'm still writing it...(ROFLMAO)...Just kidding...
Now seriously, let me know what you think...
(P.S.) It's a work in progress so it may take me awhile to get it fully edited and out for the public to read...But once that has happened, a few of you will be chosen to receive a copy of it and you will have to post a review of the book here and possibly on Amazon as well...But more on that when it's finished.....
I Miss You Komrad? Xoxo
How is your Wicked writing going?
Damn power flaked out and and i lost everything...Hell I even lost all the pics, music, documents and even all of my story...And people want to know why I want to go solar and wind power...Anyways, damn computer got hit with a power surge which damn near fried the damn thing...Luckily replacing the power supply saved the computer but not the hard drive...SO now I'm having to start over, which PISSES ME OFF!!!!
I found out my dad had a couple of 2 gig SD cards and I stole one from him, so now I'll be making sure all my stories or whatever is backed up...I think the damn power companies do this shit just to say "We have you by the balls and no matter what you do, you're still going to pay us what we want and there's no stopping us."
I called them and chewed their asses out over my laptop, the house computer and my TV...Needless to say they denied there was a power outage and that there system showed nothing...Dirty bastards...
Well, luckily had I had a few things written down on paper, so I'm going to restart and this time I think I'll put together a outline or some kind of timeline to better help manage the story...
SO I'm back to square one and that's really pissing me off...I'll be taking a break from a lot of things for the next few weeks...I'll be answering emails and some of the minor things in which I do everyday, but the rest of the time I'm going to get back the 5 chapters I had finished back....
Hope I can get the same fucking attitude w/ the off beat humor I had in the first two chapters back...Well figured I would update everyone on what is going on...As it stands right now, I'm back to square one....
DAMN!!! That is fucked up dude. I would be pissed to.
yup. thats why i have 5 flash drives. anything vital is backed up on them.
Hey Y'all,
Well, it's been a couple of weeks since the power outage that zapped my computer before I was able to save what I had written. Well, I've been lucky enough to have found many of my short stories and also a couple of movie scripts in which I had started awhile back. I think I might start going back over everything and see if I can't put everything together and see what happens. Yes I started re-writing a few things and am really hardening my main character a little more.
I want this guy damn near hated by readers. I'm working on a small outline that'll keep my story from stalling out. So that should help. Plus two, I'm making sure that I do the outline on paper, just in case of something fucking up and I don't lose anything. Let alone I'll be saving everything to a large flash drive, this way if anything happens I won't have to losing shit.
I know I want this guy to be a real hard ass with some kind of secret. Which I haven't figured out yet, but I'm sure I can come up with something. Or maybe it'll be born within the story before I even try to think about. I know it ain't gonna be any kind of super power like flight or superhuman strength, lazer eyes, shoot plasma bolts from his hands or anything like that. Well, might think about some kind of fast healing factor. Nothing like Wolverine's super healing factor where he heals in 30 to 50 seconds or faster when wounded...(L) Maybe something along the lines of like a gash or deep cut that would take a week to heal, maybe with him it heals in three days.
I don't know, just need to get back to writing. I know they'll be some really fucked up shit happening to the guy, so maybe the healing factor will help him live through chapter 2. I don't know. But it is a pretty good bet something will come...
Well converting the first script I wrote to story form shouldn't be to hard. Hell, it's almost there already. It'll be a whole new take on what I was trying to do with the first one, but combining the other short stories within the main story will be the hardest in which the main character will either have to appear or actually live through the situation...So it'll call for a of adjusting and a shit load of re-writes...SO I'll have my work cut out for me in the next few months once I get everything transferred from a CD to the wife's computer, to a SD card to my computer to a flash drive...It'll be a pain in the ass but I'll get it done this weekend. Once that is done, I think I have at least 2 weeks worth of reading to do in order to remember some of the stories and the scripts I wrote. Just to figure out what the hell wrote...(LOL)
SO hopefully everything will get back on track once I get this shit started this weekend...
I may have come up with a title to the book, but not to sure on how it sounds...
Dragon's Rage
"A Zombie Tale"
What do you think of the title??
I'm not to sure on that just yet. I know the main character captures the nickname Dragon from an action in which he used to save his or someone's life...Just not sure on what to do with the cover...I think once I get done with the story and and figure out where my main character ends up and how he ends up there, will give me more of a cover then right now...
But I like it and will keep it in mind...
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Greetings Everyone, Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…
ContinuePosted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment
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