Wicked Zombies


If you read my page about me you'll see I was at pageant conference when the infected outbreak took over the world. Everything about me is true from pageant photographer to being in the Spetznaz OPFOR fighting the United States Military behind the lines during the Cold War in the 80's during war games.


In mid June I will spend 6 days, over 10 hours a day with over 34 pageant contestants for a state pageant competition. The entire week with consist of rehearsals, making public appearances with alot of time spent with these girls and women. So if any outbreak happens during that time the real Task Force Amazon with consist of 13- 25 year old females.


My question is how will women survive the infected world when all law and order break down? will they have to rely on strangers to help them ( 28 Days Later ) or will they have to band together for safety? All women on here I suppose have been sexually harassed just going to the gas station by groups of men, how will it be in a world without law. Women will have to fight to survive in the post-apocalyptic future as tough as men. Google sexual harassment or rape in the military to see how women fair even with men that are suppose to be on the same side.


More than 100 census takers in the United States have been assaulted this month, according to the US Census Bureau and this is a country with law enforcement. we live a a DGAF world even now.


Women in The Book of Eli were nothing more that something men owned, most post-apocalyptic movies portrayed women like they did in the old westerns, dependent on men for survival. We have many women on Wicked Zombies, it was even started by a female, so I would like to hear their take on a world without  law and order.If you cannot safely walk a downtown street at night now, what's it gonna be like after society breaks down?


Resident Evil showed how tough the females can be fighting along side of males. The movie Kick Ass shows an 11 year old girl killing mob men. Some women's groups are taking that as a step in the right direction even though it's controversial.


Being tough isn't a gender thing, I know males who would not survive shit, but I have some female clients MMA fighters or military veterans who I would follow into hell and back.


Task Force Amazon was created to show how ordinary women with extensive military drills,training and discipline can become an effective fighting force equal to men.  


Task Force Amazon

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"All societies are really emergent, not established"
While we are deciding how to live in the post outbreak world we have to remember this key fact. People strive for perfection needlessly, after all the society we live in is not perfect, rather it is an equilibrium of success and failure. The undead would have ravished the world we once knew and kherished as our own, so we have to build from scratch. Unlike the early homo-sap sapiens, we have the knowledge of hindsight, and we know what works and what does not. Woman must kome together to make the best out of what we have.

One my realize that women are just as gifted as men, just in different ways. Women are more creative as they are naturally wired to use the left side of their brain. Though scientifically they do not deal as well with panic as men, they are capable of solving puzzles and tough situations better than men on average. In a world where men will be searching for women to use for their most base needs, a woman must be sure to either surround herself with trusted men, i.e family members or life long friends, or band with other women and make sure they are heavily armed. Even though men are stronger than women, a gun vs. a gun is a pretty even battle if you ask me. Women must remember to stay smart, stay alert, and stay alive. -KOMRADZ LEAD THE WAY-

Women possess all the qualities that men possess, including leadership. They hold our families togather and I believe they would fair just as well as men during an outbreak. They are us. Our better halves. Men and women will naturally bond togather and protect each other. That is the way of the world.
i read here that the opinion of our better halves was wanted but i cant help but chime in here. it is my personal opinion that the women will fare equally in a state such as a zombie war. they are not the frail uninformed, docile house wives of the 1920's & 30's. women do as much as the men do and just as hardworking at it. like men they work iron, build roads, and sling a sledge hammer just as good as any man and just as good as any man, serve in and even lead in the military. so in my opinion its not the women we need to wonder about here. its the simple everyday lawyer, judge, or any person that can stick there head in the dirt and ignore the world around them. those are the ones i wonder about. not the women.
Just bought the movie The Road yesterday and one scene shows some armed men chasing a women and kid across a field. Also in the movie Charlize Theron who plays the mother makes references to rape by strangers if caught by a group of men. Just like Komard Gas Mask Killer said " a gun vs a gun is a pretty even battle"
Women need to learn self defence skills, and even own a gun prior to the shit hitting the fan ; )

Task Force Amazon
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Task Force Amazon is swore to protect the women in our local communities from armed raiders, just like the Punisher goes after the mob ; )

Task Force Amazon
As Komradz our KOMMISSARS give us both basic knowledge of firearms and self defense skills to kombat our enemies on a daily basis. Komrad Venessa Wicked has taught me well " a gun vs a gun is a pretty even battle" are her words not mine. -KOMRADZ READY TO KILL-
I know that woman can heal, motivate, encourage, salvage, defend, and plan for the future. Woman with leadership experience, life experience, traditional knowledge, and the apparent ability to inspire fear in men when needed is a necessity for Zombie Apocalypse World. I know that Wicked Zombies has such woman available.
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Sarah Conners

Some post-apocalyptic portrayals of women show them as tough fighters ; )

Task Force Amazon
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Resident Evil - Alice


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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