Wicked Zombies


Hey guys,

   I've been debating this for a little while and it looks like it might be happening. I've been contemplating on getting back into dirt track racing and have finally decided to do it. Granted I won't be running the big V8 motors, because I have to start fresh in what is known as the Mini Stocks. Which of course is a simple 4 cylinder motor stripped and bored and modified to run dirt track, which is circle racing. Where most Nascar racers get their start. Which I'll be doing it for the fun of it.

   I was wondering how everyone would feel, if I can get permission, to having WickedZombies.com being placed on my race car next year??  Let me know what you think?

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when life gives you razorblades...

Some of the best things in life take time so don't sweat it.

exactly my point bro. and so true.

I am crossing my fingers and hoping for all the best in your Wicked endeavors! 

Well, luckily I had the receipts for the parts this morning. The cops were beating on my door this morning wanting the stolen property. Well, because I had the receipts for the stuff, the cops couldn't prove I stole the parts, plus they guy that got the car tried to press charges for criminal trespassing, but couldn't prove I was ever at his house or that the stuff I had was part of the car.

The cops tried to scare me. This piss ant of a cop trying to play bad cop. Yeah right. This little fucker is a cross between Elmo and Pee Wee Herman with a badge. Trust me, this Barney Fiffe fucker kept trying to get me to step out of the apartment. What a fucking joke. Come outside and talk to me so we can get this situation right. Like hell motherfucker. The cop kept wanting to come in and he kept getting smart. SO I got on the phone to Bill King, the chief of Police in my town and let him here all the shit the officer was saying. Bill King showed up and the officer's tone and actions changed quickly. 

Bill asked to come in and I handed the receipts to him. He went over each one and the part it went to...Luckily the parts house put the serial numbers of the parts on the receipts. SO the parts numbers matched each receipt. So Bill said there was nothing he or any officer could do about these parts because I had the receipts and the parts matched the serial numbers on the receipts.

Needless to say, Bill and the officer and the guy stood out in the middle of the parking lot screaming at each other. Bill called me about an hour ago to let me know that the officer was released from duty perminentally from the local force. And that because of the officer and the guy causing a big fuss, (which I figured the Barney Fiffe wanna be and the guy were friends), was arrested for a meth lab they found in the barn in which he had the race car in...

Talk about Karma being a BITCH....(LOL)

Bill told me that the truck, trailer and race car will be going up for auction at the end of January or the middle of February. He told me he'ld call me when it goes up for sell...So I might be back on track in FEBRUARY....Lets keep our fingers crossed.....

wow nice bit of luck their pal and great handling of the police. never let 'em in your home, or go out of it with them. really hope you get your car back.

sweet job bro. and good call on calling the cops superiors on the scene. we got a lot of those Barney Fife types here in my town. so everyone learned to just call out one of their superiors to handle it which is a persons right to do. and i do hope you not only get the car. but the trailer and all that goes with it. you shoulddoavictory dance so to speak and drive by your dads house with it. honk the horn and yell "HEY DAD! LOOK WHAT I FOUND TODAY!" just to piss him off. lol. it would serve him right.

yeah their are dick cops like that all over the place. one once threatened to shoot my dog when my mom got pulled over. talking all this shit because she grew up with them and wouldn't give them the time of day in high school. saying their gonna do all this and all that while shes on the phone with my dad recording all this stuff. so they try to smash it fat chance! i tell you believe is the most corrupt town this side of Somalia. biggest drug bust in state history goes down at a club the chief of police owns. and they let the bank across the street from their station get robbed and never caught the guys. fuck the police! give me a shotgun over a badge any day. thats not even counting the pig who tried to pull a slip and fall job on us.i repeat...fuck the police!!!


How are things going with the racing? Any new details? 

   I'm looking at one car right now. But as it goes, I'm on the sidelines. Still working on the details for the car I'm looking at, but not sure how it'll turn out. It seems the guy wants more then what the car is worth. But he doesn't realize I've dealt and sold several race cars and I've sold parts and shit. He thinks he's dealing with some half wit that knows nothing about racing...So i keep him dangling like a little fish on a hook. So sooner or later he'll either break or I'll end up finding another car....

   Still working on getting on the track...Just right now I'm sort of just working the back burners so to speak. 

keep us posted bro. keep us posted.

I figured it will be around Tax time before I'm back working on getting a car ready for racing...So it'll take some time...I'll keep everyone posted right here. When I get the car, I'll post pics. But right now I'm just hanging and letting the rest of the racing season here finish out. 

   OH YEAH!!! I forgot, I finally got the owner of the race track and the Cubmaster of our cub scout troop together. On October 12th of this year, the Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts will be doing the opening Flag ceremony before the racing....Then the boys get to watch the racing that night for free...Took me a damn year to get this set up and it worked out...Next year, it looks as though I'll be going in front of our local BSA council to try and make it an actual BSA event here in West TN...Where the boys will receive a special patch for particapating in the event....

   It was just something I figured our local group could do, but NOOOOOOO, Cub master and Scout Master decide it's to be a State BSA event....DAMN IT.....(LOL)


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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