Wicked Zombies


While Undead Rotting Monsters being the main catalyst that will bring about the Collapse of our already Fragile Society. What other Horrors do you feel should we prepare ourselves for?

Taken from WWW.ZombiesAreComing.com -

Written by Kain - ZAC Weapon Consultant


While there are many of us who have worked many years and taken an active interest in preparing ourselves physically and mentally for the trials and tribulations that the world may send our way. In a complete collapse we may be surprised at some of the scenes and acts that cross our path

When the world as we know it comes to a smashing halt and everything is crashing down it may be surprising to some that there will be happenings that nearly boggle the mind and at times will truly disgust one.

1. The first incident that one should prepare for is suicides. Those who are unable to stand by and watch the Faberge egg of their life that they knew crumble may be in a state of despair and unable to take this new strain. In this situation they may take their own life. This, however, is not nearly as disturbing as the ones who will take their entire families with them to the grave in a scene reminiscent of the emperors of China who had their wives and concubines buried with them. If you search an abandoned house be prepared to find the very worst.

2. Whole sale destruction. Once the zombies walk the Earth be prepared to see scenes that would seem more appropriate in a special on World War II and the fire bombings of Europe. There will be vandalism, destruction of property, and attempts to control the zombie population that will go horribly wrong. Also take into account those who will fight among themselves or those who will use Molotov’s in situations where a bullet would be better advised, also there will be those who decide to destroy everything that they own rather than see it fall into the hands of others. It is very possible that you will see areas that you once frequented and find them unrecognizable.

3. Cannibalism. Yes, while the undead will be seeking out your flesh there will those who will resort to cannibalism to save themselves. This is one sight that if mankind survives those who survived may recall seeing. While there may be those who resort to it as an emergency means, and may show mental scars from the incident afterwards, there will be those who see long pig as little more than another menu option that serves multiple purposes of not just feeding them but eliminating the competition.

4. Lastly, there will be the threat of gangs that form from the gang members that survive the initial outbreak. Gang members have an unfortunate advantage over the average person in that they are use to what most would consider horrid conditions. There are many times where police will do a raid on an apartment and find little more than the suspect and an air mattress. These people, if you can call them people, are ultraviolent, have no qualms about killing or inflicting pain, and have been desensitized from a life living at the very lowest rung of society. These gangs and gang members may actually be more of a danger in some areas than the zombies themselves, and almost as voracious in their appetite for destruction.

In the end, there will be those who can adapt and those who can’t.

Author: Kain - ZAC Weapon Consultant
Submitted: 01 Sep 2009
Filed under: Press Releases & Safety & Zombie Awareness

Reading this mans article got me thinking about what other nightmares this new reality is going to bring with it. I feel it would only benefit those of us who intend to survive then thrive in this future to be that much more aware of some of the terrors and sorrows we will most likely have to face. Your feedback would be most appreciated.

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i figured on sections 1, 2, and 4 of this discussion. but to think of a person willing to commit canibalism to survive or just eliminate the compitition? that is a little hard for me to think about even swallowing. being the undead will be wanting to eat us is bad enough, but hunted by the living as a food supply? i cant even imagine what that would be like. i have prepared my mind for the thought of coming across a mass suicide scene on a raid. i have even prepared myself for the wholesale destruction that will result. mainly because for most, its human nature to destroy those things they cant or wont part with. and i know there will be victims from renegade gangs that will go on a rape, pillage, and plunder spree that may need more then we are qualified to give. but it is hard for me to wrap my head around something as "WILLING" canabalism.
It would really matter where you live. I would deal with a cannibal where i live before a gang member. There are a lot of "good ol' boys" here in Texas that I guarantee you will eat you. I am just not sure they would need to, ya know. Plenty of game to hunt. EVERYBODY would rather eat a opossum before a person right? I guess we will find out. Americans are very desensitized by our media, but will still crack in a second if they rolled up on battle scene. I have sadly been around death several times in my life and it is really fucked up even if you don't the victim. If you know them it is even worse. Soldiers get their heads ready for this and a lot still snap, so regular citizens don't stand a chance keeping it together.
I love meat, but I'm not eating anybody! I fuckin hope when the end times come me and my family somehow meet up with Komrad Rhino. That dude is gonna outlive all of us I bet.
another thing i learned not to do is under estimate is people. a lot of guys we may look at as "good ol' boys" will usually be the first to do what you least expect. even canabalism. especially if their so called "survival skills" are put to the test and they find themselves without food for a few days. but i do agree on one thing Scatoma. death is a fucked up thing to see and i seen it many times. i seen it come for friends, strangers, and loved ones alike. i even did body detail a couple of times working wrecker after a real bad one and you are right on another point of order. i seen hard core combat vets mentally snap at some of the ways death can take a person when you think they will out last yourself. i guess what i am trying to say here is when it comes down to it, nobody can truely tell how they will react till the time comes and their metal is tested. and before i forget. Scatoma. if the zombie apocolypse ever happens, it would not only be an honor to meet you but to fight along your side as well brother.
it helps to have a friend to lean on when things get more than they can bear. we as komradz will be tested in many ways. mentally, spirtualy, emotionally and in ways we can never imagine even in our worst nightmares. the best way i prepared myself for this whole thing was to spend time as a volunteer at the Veterans Hospital in my spare time. i talked with men and women who served in all maner of combat from world war II, korea, vietnam, and the first and second gulf war. learn from what these people can tell you. from all the good things they did to even the hardest things they had to do. but most of all thank them for their lessons and their sacrifces. it may take some time to get them to open up to you but it is well worth it in the end. because in the end when we reclaim this world from the undead, some of those we talk to, we could very well end up like them. then WE will be the ones others will learn from to keep this world we will soon make.

I found this list some what lacking, i fell it skipped over a lot of the less thought about threats that a zombie apocalypse will cause. This list only takes into account the actions taken by humans. What about the actions set in motion by the lack of humans. all around the world every day there are massive system in place that require human intervention to prevent catastrophic failures from happening.

1: Compressed liquids, gasses and radiation: In every major city n every factory thousands upon thousands of gallons of compressed liquids and gasses sit careful regulated and contained by human hands. Everything from refrigerant to natural gas. unfathomable amount of gas run under our feet all the time. And if you live in NJ like i do where most of refinery for the country are located you have just giant bombs, that if put together would probably equal the explosive force of a small atomic weapon just waiting for the day humans disappear.

With out human supervision the city's will be racked with earth shattering explosions with in the first few weeks of the zombie outbreak. That or flooded with escaped toxic chemicals poisoning the air land and water. Finally lets talk about going nuclear shall we. Not even addressing all of the nuclear power plants dotting out fair country and one of which could go full Chernobyl on us, thee are many more nuclear storage facility housing spent nuclear fuel rods that essential have to kept in a giant swimming pool feed with fresh water because the heat from the roads evaporates it. massive pumps and reservoirs are designed to work without human supervision. but in lack of a functioning power grid back up systems can only run so long with out people getting involved.

several weeks is again all we could hope for. at which point  the water will run dry the roads will be exposed and well despite the obvious explosive damage, which will be smaller then an atom bomb even though there will be vastly more material. but because of poor fission control will result in only light damage, (relatively speaking) but high radiation leakage and fall out. America is basically destined to be an irradiated wasteland regardless if any nukes are actually ever launched. now mother nature is pretty good at soaking up the radiation, and with out us constantly cutting her down we can expect clean up and revitalization of these areas fairly quickly, in a planetary sense, several hundred years should do. Speaking of mother nature taking back control.

2: Massive flooding: Humans are great and bending landscapes to our wills, we re direct rivers, build oases of greenery in barren deserts and build massive developments in areas that should be hundred of people under water. If you've ever been in a stuck in a flood after a heavy rain storm then you know where not suppose to be in areas below sea level.

whole towns have been practically washed away by bad storms and thats with billions of dollars and giant complexes of machinery to keep that very thing from happening. when people aren't around to power or maintain those systems then natural balance will come back real fast after just the first heavy rain. any city below sea level will soon be a giant flood concrete swamp again. I'm on the top of  massive hill and if the water level rose just a bit more and no one was around to pump it out i would suddenly have beach front property. literal hundred feet outside my door ocean, I've seen the statistical models to prove it.

These are only to examples of what humans not being able to do our daily lives will bring us and it already means flooded radioactive poison city craters. Forget the zombies or even other humans, are biggest threat in world over situation will be the very systems we put in place to serve ourselves.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


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