Wicked Zombies


What last sentimental item would you grab should an outbreak occur?

If you were to have to leave fast during an outbreak, what would you grab of sentimental value before you ran out the door?

I would want at the very least, our last family Christmas picture, which has all of us in it.

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I have a small bottle with my Dad's ashes in,I'd grab that.
My bearded dragon for sure, all my books, my movies, tv, xbox 360, bong.
Damn, I am gonna be zombie food huh?

I feel like Steve Martin at the end of The Jerk, "And that's all I need."
Yeah,that part's funny as....lol.
This is coming from the man who answers the question, "What are you thankful for?" at Thanksgiving with "My XBOX." You are just soooo sentimental.

"And this chair, I need this chair and this lamp, this rug, I need this sewing machine and spinning wheel, that's all I need! This fabric, this fiber, that's all I neeeed!"

Oh and yes, you're going to get us all killed. lol
What's a longboard?
Could it double as a weapon?
LOL...I'm in the UK & not heard such terminology.I figured it might be something to do with surfing or skateboarding.Now I know exactly what you're talking about I recall that I have seen them.
Forgive me(winks)for being a limey girl...lol.
My Texas Chainsaw Massacre original poster that has ten signatures on it. What the fuck I would do with it, I couldnt tell you. I guess home is where you hang your poster.
I was thinking something small because you just can't be loaded down with all sorts of things...*cough*Scatoma*cough*.

I'd probably grab one of my daughter's little outfits from when she was an infant. I seem to have strong attachments to her baby clothes. She was in preemie clothes when she was born, I have a pair of her pants from then that I keep out just to remember how tiny she was. lol Mommies. So I guess if I could grab those I would.
It's funnseeing things from when your children where new born 'cause you do forget how small they were.
I remember being at a friends & seeing a tiny diaper on the side I said "Awwwww look a Demi's dolly's diaper."
My friend laughed & said "No that is one of Demi's old diapers."
Demi being 7 at the time I couldn't believe how tiny it was.
I'm grabbing my steamer trunk for all of you and a seperate one for Scat but he better have that damn shower robe on when he komes walking out of the house dragging everything behind him or no dice

as for me I would have to grab my knife, pocket knife and twin zippos plus my four flash drives just in case and my ipod
the real answer is obviously my guns and ammo and rations, this is Texas after all


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


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