I was looking through a lot of sites in which anyone can go to to watch movies. Most of them have some good prices in which to be able to watch the movies, but they seem to be like most other sites. So much bullshit to download in order to watch one or two movies a month or whatever.
I took it upon myself to find movies on youtube, full length movies in which we either have grown up with or have seen or haven't seen, to allow us to be able to see some movies in which we may enjoy and also to see for free...
The movies in which I have found are full length and actual movies, not these movies made by some kid with a video camera...(LOL)
So below is a list of movies in which I found on youtube that you can watch for free....Some of these movies have had there embedded code removed, but the link still works...
Night of the Living Dead
I'm the same way. But I just hate the shotty ass dialogs they do...The scene is action packed and the voices sound like they're fucking...(LOL)
I did however turn the volume down one time and came up with my own dialogue for one of those Kung-Fu movies. My kids were dying laughing...(L) But if the movie is good enough, I'll watch it again and the second time I catch what I miss...But most of the time, I just watch the movie....
Its funny shit...Specially when everything deals with passing gas and shitting on themselves...Kids loved it...(LOL) They even got into the act...(LOL)
Yeah it is...
I'll agree with you on the fact when I saw it, I thought they were going to remake the Romero version. But once I saw it, I was like this is one I can actually live without in my collection. Which means it's not much of a top priority in DVD's of The must have department.
But I was disappointed...
for me. when i heard about the remake. i wanted so much for them to use Romero's original plans and script. and that was based on a three level base. the surface level being used as a training ground for teaching zombies to go and kill their own kind, the second level for the soldiers and scientists to sleep, and the deepest level for weeding out the zombies deemed trainable and using the rest for research purposes to find out why they rose from the dead and reverse the process. so when i saw what i did on this remake. needless to say i was very disappointed and found this version very lacking for me. in an interview with George Romero. he mentioned what he wanted to do when it came to Day of the Dead. but due to budget costs. we have the classic we have today. but after hearing what he originally wanted to do with DOTD. my heart skipped so many beats when i heard about this. then sank into so many depths of sadness when i seen the finished product. they even made the zombies able to climb on the ceilings for God sake! i mean really! SPIDER ZOMBIE???!!! i almost cried. and what was worse was i DID spend money on this on DVD. lol.
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Greetings Everyone, Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…
ContinuePosted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment
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