Wicked Zombies


in alot of movies the rate in which a person turns into a zombie is either long or instant so my question is if its instant wouldnt the zombies stop eating them?

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Based on Romero's lore, the zombies will continue to feed on a body that ceased to live. In most movies the zombies take a few minutes to reanimate. But if someone was being consumed at a very slow rate, from say the leg up, it would most definitely rise again before being completely eaten. I dont recall ever seeing it happen in a movie. Good question.
All stories are different. Sometimes the zombie is self aware and it purposely is spreading and others they are shuffling goons that eat you entirely. Obviously the rate of consumption divided by the rate of infection time the size of the victim minus the uh dur... I have no idea. I have also seen in movies and read in books where the dead are picking chunks off of each other and eating so we will see I guess.
with all of the eating going on how does the infection spread if they get eaten and how do they survive if zombies are eating zombies?
Sometimes they only want to eat your brains, so what happens then?
i figure it depends on where bitten as to how fast you turn. if you are bitten in an area where there is just minor viens and capilaries, then the turn rate would be slow and the victim be eaten a great deal before turning. but if bitten where there is a major vien or artery, then the victim bitten will turn pretty quick and reanimate intact enough to do major damage because a major blood flow point would spread the infection faster. but i do agree with joy here. i think once the zeds get a taste of fresh blood, they cant stop eating till the one they are eating reanimates and joins the ranks of the undead. just a theory of course. but one i put a lot of stock in. only when we are faced with the day WORLD WAR Z actually happens will we get a lot of the facts on this.
well. look at flyboy in Dawn of the Dead. when he was in the elevator and it opened letting in all the zombies in on him. they ate on him till the door closed again and he killed a bunch. but when more grouped at the elevator to eat but the door opened up to reveal flyboy zombie. they quit wanting to eat him and he showed them where they had been hiding. this shows that they not only eat till the person being eaten reanimates. it also shows they use some of what they knew in past life experiances to hunt for food. US! another thing to be considered here.

Great point . Thanks 

The Symptoms

Depending on the person and the location of the entry point, an infected person may have hours before reanimating. Here is a timetable of symptoms according to Max Brooks:

Hour 1: Pain and discoloration (brown-purple) of the infected area. Immediate clotting of the wound (provided the infection came from a wound).

Hour 5: Fever (99-103 degrees F), chills, slight dementia, vomiting, acute pain in the joints.

Hour 8: Numbing of extremities and infected area, increased fever (103-106 degrees F), increased dementia, loss of muscular coordination.

Hour 11: Paralysis in the lower body, overall numbness, slowed heart rate.

Hour 16: Coma.

Hour 20: Heart stoppage. Zero brain activity.

Hour 23: Reanimation.

it depends on how long it takes you to die after the bite. if they rip your neck out, a couple of minutes. while a bite or a scratch on your hand could take several days to turn. but you can't be a zombie until you die and come back.


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Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


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