Wicked Zombies


I know we don't think about it much, until it happens...We really don't think about the weather and mother nature's wrath during the Z-poc...I though we could not only use a little refreshing reminder that even in the Z-poc we will still have to deal with Thunderstorms, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, flooding and all other forms of bad weather...So here are a few tips for a tornado...

The Best Tornado Safety Tips for Your Best Chance of Survival

by James Hubbard, MD, MPH

My mother was in the deadly Tupelo tornado in 1936. She wasn’t injured, but over 700 people were. And well over 200 more died. She often recalled the people yelling for help when none was available. Hearing her tell stories about the aftermath is one reason I became so interested in disaster- and survival-medicine. I learned tornado safety tips early.

I remember very often sitting up with my family as a child at night, away from the windows, as the thunder shook. Once I even heard the signature freight-train sound go over my house. That tornado touched down and destroyed a gymnasium a few miles away.

I’ve experienced the energy in the air when conditions for a tornado are ripe, the fear of waiting with the sky so dark you couldn’t possibly see it coming, and the aftermath. I’ve had friends killed in the midst of the devastation.

So the recent tornadoes in the South really hit home. You may have seen Tupelo in particular all over the news. In addition to growing up in Pontotoc, about 18 miles west of Tupelo, I later lived in Tupelo and practiced medicine in and around there for a number of years.

But tornadoes can occur pretty well everywhere. A few years back there was one at 10,000 feet in the Tetons near Jackson, Wyoming. So even if you don’t live in tornado alley it only takes one in the right place to reap destruction. And you may occasionally travel into areas of the South and Midwest where they’re much more frequent.

Either way, I think it’s good to know a few of the basics about surviving one. As the phone woman says on the company recording, (paraphrase) “Some information has recently changed, so pay attention.”

3 Top Tornado Safety Tips

1. Heed the weather people. Usually, before a tornado hits, local radio and television announcers will give you a “watch” about weather conditions. Although that doesn’t mean a tornado is necessarily going to touch down, take the announcement seriously. A tornado watch means conditions are ripe for a tornado. A “warning” means it’s on the ground: Take cover immediately.

2. Don’t depend on tornado sirens. I know firsthand you can’t depend on sirens for much advance notice. Many times the tornado is unseen and unheard until it’s on you. I think keeping a battery-operated weather radio on your shelf, which will warn you of any impending disasters, is a good idea. And pack a small one for trips.

3. Get inside. Debris coming at you from over 100 miles an hour is the danger, so you don’t want to be outside. Take cover in a building, and proceed to an inner room without windows. A basement is ideal. Another option is to get in a tub and cover yourself with blankets or a mattress.

Updated Tornado Safety Tips

Every year, in the midst of the horror, we learn new things about protection—what helps and what we thought would help but doesn’t. So here’s what may have changed from your last update:

1. Close the windows. It used to be the prevailing wisdom to open windows—that the house could explode from the inside if the pressure difference between the interior and exterior became extreme. That’s no longer thought to be the danger, compared to debris flying through open windows.

2. Consider a helmet. Another slight controversy is the use of helmets. Since about 20 percent of severe injuries from a tornado include the head, it was thought, but not proven, that helmets could help. Others thought that since tornadoes usually caused so many multiple injuries, helmets didn’t help that much. Studies on recent tornadoes have shown that people wearing helmets fared better.

3. Don’t trust bridges. It’s no longer thought that if you’re outside, taking cover under a bridge is a smart idea. Recent experience has shown it’s not very safe. Many people have been severely injured by blowing debris when taking this kind of cover. The prevailing wisdom is no outside area is really safe. Try, try, try to take cover in a sturdy shelter. If that’s impossible, lie down in a depressed area like a ditch and put your hands over your head.

4. Don’t (necessarily) trust an engine. Trying to outdrive a tornado is usually not a good idea, although some organizations still recommend it. Of course never drive toward it, and I guess driving away from it might be your best bet if you see the tornado from a distance, but it’s pretty impossible to predict the direction changes. So, if the tornado is close, get out and run for a sturdy shelter if one is around. If you have to stay in your car, keep your seatbelt buckled, and try to get below windshield level. Cover your head with whatever is available.

What about you? Can you add any precautions? Have you ever experienced, been close to, or been in a tornado? Or seen the aftermath?

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We do not have many tornados here in NYC but life saving information is always appreciated. 

Yeah, but if it comes right down to it, when the Z-poc happens, we all know that even the weather is going to be effected in some way, which could mean that even NYC could end up with tornadoes...


Lets hope that with all the buildings in the city we are tornado proof. Mow if only we had the same safety from the ZOMBIES!

During a tornado, all the buildings really become dangerous...Because not only will the tornado tear them down, the debris from the buildings become a mass of deadly projectiles that really cause more damage to humans...

   Let me give you the best ideas, specially from someone that has been through many of them and even was caught running from one...

   If you have an actual safe room in your house, that is one of the best ways to hold out...Now, when I say safe room, I'm not talking a room in your house in which you feel safest in...I'm talking about an actual safe room which is pictured below...

Now with the cost of these real safe rooms, you can create a good safe room by using concrete blocks, re-enforced with rebar and filled in with concrete for about half the price of a full metal safe room...Which is pictured below...

But I know for some of us, this is not a real option either way, and for those of us who live in apartments, the next option isn't really feesible either...

   A basement or cellar in the house is second to none in protection from a tornado...

   Being under the main support of the house is a scary thing for some people...But it really works well...

   I've been through plenty of tornadoes while I was growing up and I learned quickly that if a house has a basement, that is where I want to be when a tornado hits...In the basement there are all the hook ups that fee your house...Your water, electric, heat and air conditioning...And in some basements you can shut off everything to the house, but still have everything working in the basement...In these basements you have a way to survive for awhile till help comes...You have your heat or air and with electric and water also there, you have your basics...

   What do you do if you have neither a safe room or a basement??

   You can use a closet in the middle of the house or apartment which is not on the top floor...This gives you better protection then a room with a bunch of windows and no real support over head...If you hear of a tornado coming your way, you get your bug out bag and a few blankets and stuff you and your people into the closet...Even using a small matress to place over your head within the closet gives you some protection from the house being torn, thrown and falling on you...

   Now let me tell you something about tornadoes, they can catch you off guard in a hurry...I was out riding on day on my Honda 400 and in the middle of the ride a tornado touched down out in a field I was going by...Now I was miles from the nearest town and the only safe area was either the flooded out ditch, which I was not willing to get my new leathers soaked by some cattle field run-off...But up ahead I noticed an over pass, so I took off to the over pass...I crawled up to the beams of the under pass and squeezed in and watched as the tornado went over me...

   If you are ever out somewhere where you can't get to a safe place, using a roadside ditch or getting up under and over pass will save your life...Now don't try to out run a tornado, because they can drop in place, and then suddenly jump to where they are on top you...

   So just using some simple common sense will save your life...I always tell my kids to get low and keep their heads down....


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


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