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I saw Dead Hate The Living and thought it was meh.  I forgot, is it a Full Moon flick?  I also saw Pontypool and wasn't all that impressed with it.  I keep meaning to see CSPWDT and some of the others I never heard of.

I think you're probably more right than I am about Dead Hate the Living. It is a Full Moon production. I think maybe it's just as simple as liking the colors. Pontypool was an attempt to recommend a modern zombie movie without going to the obvious. I enjoyed it. But I don't watch a lot of new zombie movies. I also considered Dead Air because it seemed like a classic setup. 

i always called Pontypool "POTTYPOOL" because it sucked so bad that it needed flushed down the toilet and buried at sea. i mean really. turned to a zombie by spoken word. totally ridiculous. the others i will check out though.

I tried to dig out movies where zombies were created in different methods. The spoken word seemed to be one of the more far out ways. But I'd be interested if people watch CSPWDT to know how you thought the dead were raised from the grave. 

The only movie Ive seen on that list was Pontypool and ITS TERRIBLE...I hated that movie...Id put Redneck Zombies above Pontypool lol

the rest Id like to see though, thank you for the list, awesomeness!!

I didn't realize people hated that movie so much. I also considered The Video Dead and Redneck Zombies for the last spot, but it seemed like a lot of 80's overlap. I hope you'll still give some of the others a try because there's some fine zombie movies on that list. 

oh yea definitely will, the remainder list looks fantastic. Again, thank you, pure awesomeness!!

I LOVE REDNECK ZOMBIES!!! i had a laugh a minute watching that one. The Video Dead is a new one for me though. i might check that one out to. and as far as 80's overlap. dude. you can never get enough 80's ANYTHING. lol. at least thats how i look at it being a child of that era and all. lol. the first time i ever saw POTTYPOOL was in the presence of a terrible, scrawny, slobbering, bow legged, pigtailed drunk. i still have nightmares. of the drunk. lol.  *shivers*

no way bro pontypool was excellently done!

the movie was done good. its the plot that sucked. i just couldnt get a handle on a person being turned into a zombie by spoken words. the company i had didnt help either. lol. when Vee left. things went from awesome to total suck ass at mock speed. lol.

just saw Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things. its not a bad movie. i will look it up to add to the collection. now i am off to see the remainder of the list. thanks for the list info.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


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