Wicked Zombies


Would absolutely be Chuck E. Cheese. Everyone in there is nuts anyway! Can you imagine? Tons of little dirty children eating you. OMG. That place is a nightmare on it's own!

What do you think? Worst place to be stuck?

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Washington DC
I'm really shocked you don't agree on Chuck E. Cheese after this night. I feel like we experienced a zombie outbreak. You were too busy playing to battle off chittlins!!!

How about a Chuck E. Cheese in Washington D.C.? Eh, eh?
Think about it though, all those tiny knee height kids jacked up on cake and sugar dropping their tokens to come at your brains. Yikes. Plus they are already so dirty. I'm not knocking other peoples kids because ours isn't spotless. But there are so many germs and yick. You'd be a zombie with a serious cold.
i have three 1) Wal-Mart daytime shopping on sunday after church

2) Graveyard in Tenn.

3) The Beach day two into Spring break
Those are good ones. Now It would be good to get into an empty Wal-Mart, especially since they've remodeled and replaced some of their products with nicer ones. But not stuck in a full one for sure. Damn Wal-Mart! I feel like I'm walking around with a bunch of zombies in there anyway.

The beach - Definitely don't want to be in S. Padre. Zombies in bathing suits! Run!
just thought of another one and this might rub some people the wrong way but .. at any Goth/Heavy metal/Rap concert

goth = people who already alittle undead looking so which are really the zombies

heavy metal = head bangers and mosh pits full of zombies

rap = heavily armed zombies with attitude
had to add one more ( this is all your fault now)

back in the 60's the worse place would have been woodstock
acid tripping munchie having zombies!!
I don't listen to heavy metal or goth. I'm quite a mellow/oldies/classics/cheesy poppy dancy music/angsty girl/indie music kinda girl. Scatoma and I have quite different taste. We agree on Patton & Devin Townsend a few other random bands. He's really tolerant of my cheesy music. So I'm gonna have to agree here. I have a hard time at metal concerts and even calm, mellow ones. That would be pretty bad.

I have apparently become the resident trouble maker. Maybe I need a sign on my profile pic that says, "It's all my fault." lol Ballz! hahaha
Anywhere where guns have been banned/outlawed really is the worst.
Booooooo gun bans! This is true.
okay after sitting here in the lobby with the PA radio system playing can i add anywhere that has the Bosom Buddies theme song playing on repeat?
Yes, that's a good one. That sounds super crappy. haha


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


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