Wicked Zombies


I haven't been here in forever! Hey guys :D hehe. So, I was doing my bacteriology lab, and suddenly it dawned on me, that zombies would obviously have some kind of motive to support their behaviour. Nothing is mindless, especially when they act in a patterned fashion like we assume zombies do- bite, infect, and increase numbers, or bite and eliminate the non-zombies. its kinda like a virus. Viruses don't aimlessly infect cells, they do it so they can use the cells machinery to replicate and increase their numbers. So, why do zombies do what they do? What drives them to?

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I would say that replication of the virus and spread is the key. The rest like the eating then victims to the biting is just a side effect. Kinda like repetitive biting so to speak but on a bigger scale of overkill. Like they can't help but keep going once they start. So they end up eating the person instead. At least that's my take on it. :-)

So basically their purpose is to keep multiplying? Its as though they intend to create a new race of superior beings altogether... but why in such a brutal way?

Unknown. Evolution at times tends to be brutal. It is believed by some scientists that when modern man hit the scene. They instead of living in peace with the Neanderthal instead aided in his extinction by hunting them down and killing them. So one might call it survival of the fittest and the zombie virus uses us to not only procreate but maybe even nourish as well. Would explain the eating of those that don't get away.

Suggests a plausible theory that the "mindless" zombies that we hypothesize about are actually more intelligent than us. You know, since evolution suggests the upgrading of a species. And that would therefore mean that mental capacity is also upgraded. Zombies might as well be humans 2.0

Very true. A lot here have often said that being the most part of the brain is dead and useless. That only raw instinct remains. But if you look to the animal world. Even raw instinct has the ability to adapt and even learn. Hence primates learning to use tools. I always felt that eventually that a zombie can learn as well. There has even been videos where an intelligent zombie is prevalent. Land of the Dead is a good example. The mechanic zombie. He learned many things. How to use tools. How to use a gun. He even learned he can't drown if he went into water. And as he learned these things. He taught the others either by showing by example or directly. Which shows not only intelligence. But to a degree of evolution as well. Makes one wonder how much the zombie virus will eventually change us.

Its kinda like they have the ability to use an extra 1% of their brain that we're incapable of activating. Or maybe, they can use another 10% than the 10% a regular human uses. The neuronal links between the higher brain centers and the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, and even the mesencephalon, or even the neural signals within the sulci and gyri or the cerebrum, all that may be completely different for them. Then again, even if we do attempt to figure out the differences, we won't get very far cuz we barely understand how most of the brain truly functions.

Out of all the organs in the human body. The brain is the final frontier so to speak. Our greatest adventure yet. :-)
I believe it is simply for food. They eat to feed even though they get no nutrients from our flesh.
But, isn't it even a little tempting to ask why that is? Because I doubt it would just be some arbitrary act. They must be programmed to do it for some reason, right?
Do you think their brains waves (undead BRAINS) have decayed so much that the all functions have ceased with the exception of simple motor skills, need to feed and desire to multiply?

That may very well be the case, actually. They may have only selective cerebral and medullary function

There are so many variables with the zombie virus that I got to admit that the possibilities are endless. Especially the endless need to feed. I mean look at the normal person versus a zombie that way. With a normal person. No matter how big the individual. The brain tells the stomach when it's full and they stop eating. Why is this not true with a zombie? Even the primitive brain knows when to stop eating and when to continue. Why is this function no longer available for the undead? Gotta be a reason. One good one that sounds good is virus transfer and spread.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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