Wicked Zombies


Hello all on Wicked Zombies,I am going to make a story and on this discussion will be a character sheet for all those who want to be in my story.This story will be a lot like the show Negima,an anime about a 10 year old boy who teaches at an all girl middle school and it has magic lol.
So if you want to be in the story please fill out these sheets.



Student,Staff,or Nether:

Do you know magic:

If yes what kind(dark,light,healing,ext):

Do you have any combat skills and what kind:



Body Type:






Something Extra:

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Name: Tyler Lindsey

Age: 14

Student(transfered for special resones)

Do you know Magic:Yes

What kind: Dark,Ice,and Healing

What kind of combat skills: Muay Thai, Karate, and Judo.

Hair: Dark Brown Mohawk

Eyes: Bluish hazel that seem dark

Body Type: Skinny but with a lot of endurance.

Personality: A bit shy and quite but not to people close to me.I may seem a bit cold heated but I have Soft heart.

Clothes: Boy's school uniform(White Tee under a Red button up light Jacket,Red pants and brown shoes.

Weight: 109 Lbs

Height: 5ft. 6 in.

Bio: Nothing you would be interested in.

Something extra: Tends to be a hero.

Name: Redrum99

Age: you decide

Student,Staff,or Nether: juggalo

Do you know magic: nope..except I can make a flme shoot out my butt…got a lighter…where ya going?

If yes what kind(dark,light,healing,ext):

Do you have any combat skills and what kind: street

Hair: nope

Eyes: yes (green)

Body Type: ummm….

Personality: clownish

Clothes: pimpish thuggish

Weight: 200

Height: 5’ 10

Bio: I just the wrong side of a experiment meant to cure schizophrenia…now I gots lots o voices inside my head, and a few impulse problems.
I like the sight of blood…and the taste of flesh ..mostly on toast.
I hire myself out to contract kills, pays good, flesh is fresh…and its funny as hell.
Whoops, gotta go…dinner is getting away…
Name: Kitty

Age: irrelevant

Student,Staff,or Nether: Entity

Do you know magic: I am magic

If yes what kind(dark,light,healing,ext): Dark,very,very dark

Do you have any combat skills and what kind: I have the stealth of a cat & grace of a panther

Hair: Red

Eyes: Green

Body Type: Sleek

Personality: Playful

Clothes: Taylored pinstripe suit,dress shirt & long red coat

Weight: myob

Height: 5'8"

Bio: hmmmmmmmm...pfffffffffffffft !

Something Extra: I have a pimped up chainsaw that i refer to as my "death scythe"


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Blog Posts

Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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