Wicked Zombies



so while researching for my zombie hunter con costume i fell in love with post apocalyptic cosplay. everything from fallout props to original works. it's just such a cool look and you can do anything with it. it requires little money if you know how to scavenge and helps prepare all of us for what it's gonna be like after they rise. i felt wickedzombies was a good place to bring this to help expand the site. so with all that in mind I'm going to be posting cool stuff i make and design here. and if you catch the bug or maybe if you already have it then i welcome you to post your stuff here too.

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so i think the begging of any good costume is creating a good character. after all how will you know what to wear if you don't know who you are. are you mighty merk clad in power armor, a raider clad in leather and cut up tires. or just a simple scavenger trying to meek out a living amongst the ruins of the old world  and as looked at more and more pictures an image formed in my mind. of a mad bomber thief that fights almost exclusively with bombs. i kinda just liked the idea of having a long trench coat lined with lots of pipe bombs and dynamite. so thats with i started with and i figured the bombs and detonator had to come first. also thats what i had on hand to start making. i had an old remote joystick from some toy that i always though looked like a detonator. so i wastlanded it up a bit.

next came the bombs i was gonna make a lot out of PVC pipe with end caps, and i still might since i got a length of pvc. but i didn't have the end caps and painting PVC to look like metal realistically is a pain. so i found a piece of rusted out pipe from an old bike seat the dogs had been using as a chew toy. showed up in my yard one day. took of the pipe made some caps from aluminum tape, and strapped a dead battery random circuit board and wire to it to with electrical tape make this.

pretty convincing huh? wish i had real end caps to use but what can you do. and if i had a blinking red led to put on it would be perfect.

you do really good work. i like the lengths you go to to reach the goal you set. good job bro.

I think you can get one of those LED lights out of one of those toy cars that the headlights and the taillights light up. If you can find one of those, you'll have a few lights...Good job...

exactly. good thinking bro. if he went to say a dollar store and bought a toy cop car with all the working lights. then he would have all the lights he would need for some of those fake bombs and maybe even the detonator to if he played his cards right.

thats a good idea but i could just go to radio shack and pick up some blinking led's for like a buck a piece. unlike the cop car they blink on their own and won't need a circuit to make them blink. so i can just wire them to the battery's and presto. but I'll keep the toy car in ind.

i got a few other props I'm working on but don't have pics of yet. his main weapon is explosives but i figured he needed a gun as a back up. found an old toy black powder rifle i think fits the bill. its already beat up and rusted so i just gotta add a few more touche. already had some old white medical tape on it i left on. made a muzzle break out of a little sample mouth wash bottle wrapped in electrical tape, fits snugly on the end of the gun. and i made a sling out of jute twine and attached it with little brass eye bolts a screwed into the stock. i also have this little Frankenstein switch i want to incorporate. i figure since the gun looks like it's meant to use percussion caps and they can be rare in the wastland. i could strap battery's onto the but stock wire them up to the switch with the hot going to the hammer and the ground attached to the barrel so it will act like electric ignite when the hammer trips. hope you can picture that. also wanna add a scope maybe one of those old looking spyglasses like from pirate ships. i think that would be cool especially when you pull it open to aim.

and i figured whats a bomber character if you can't pull a theirs a no hope bloom up yourself and take the enemy with you suicide play. i found a cool little wired hand detonator from an old model rocket kit and cut it off. then put it into an old black leather bag that might have been a purse. i plan on turning into a belt bag. put the detonator in there. now all i need is some fake explosives to fill it up and the final gambit will be complete. I'll post pics of these things and more as soon as i can.

have you thought of a "dead man,s" switch prop with a wire leading to the bag? gives it a more believable look to the old i'll take you with me theme.

yeah thats what i already got, i'll get a pic up soon it looks really cool.

cant wait to see it bro.

i'll try and post more epics in the morning

For post apocalyptic cosplay you can wear anything a look good :)


This zombie hunter costume is becoming a artistic project. Make sure you take some pics of the finished product because all of your hard work is going to pay off. Have a Wicked time!


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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