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A little different but when I was 20 I lived in a camp in Kenai, Alaska and was out working with a team of drillers literally in the middle of nowhere when myself and buddy decided it was time take a nap. You see it would get 20 bellow quickly and we had 70lbs of gear on us all day trudging through 1 to 5 feet of snow all day and I am lazy as shit so we did a lot of napping. We woke up and checked our radios to see how far behind we had fallen. As soon as we turned it on we just heard screaming and could only make out certain words, one of which was bear. We knew we had really screwed up and started headed the opposite direction of the team. We finally got an open channel on our radio with one of the choppers we used to move the drills. The pilot informed us one of the crew was brutally mauled by a bear and it was last seen running in our area still carry the corpse. We fucking panicked. We dumped some of ou gear and tried to head for any area where a chopper could pick us up. There wasn't one. Once it gets dark you are on your own til day light. This was not my first experience almost being stranded out there overnight unarmed, BUT now there was a man killer loose and we still didn't even know who was dead. We relayed our location to base camp and they sent out a small snowmobile to bring us back. Hours of waiting just listening and searching every direction. We decided to get stoned in hopes the smoke would scare the bear. Anyway, when the machine arrived we soon realized we weighed to much in the deep snow. We took it to a small frozen rivine and used that to go back. While heading down the a super twisty "river" we got word it was spotted in our area. The driver gassed it and we were off. I looked down behind us and just saw open water. The ice was breaking right behind the treads and were about to sink. You do not get wet out there. Ever. I slapped the driver and we shot up the snow bank on the side and crashed into a tree. Wrecking the machine. We layed in the snow laughing after all announcing no injuries to each other. It was a very long walk to a small lake where a chopper could get close to the ground. It could not land due to the fresh loose snow so we had to climb up in while it hovered. Everyday after that when we would use our base landing zone there was still frozen blood all over from bringing in Luis' remains. It was intense.
the scariest encounter i ever had has to be this. yesterday. i was in the back yard where my boy (my cat Tigger) is buried. when i go there, i swear he is with me in spirit. reason being every now and again when sitting graveside. i would feel a cat rub my leg when there was no cat visible. well to get back on track. i went to his grave site and spent a good hour or two there. then just as i was getting ready to leave, i felt that little nudge behind the knee he used to give me that would almost put me to the floor (at almost 45 pounds. he was a strong cat). as i looked down at my leg, i saw it. a fucking eastern rattlesnake. had my leg not got shoved like it did. i would have been struck behind the knee! when i shot the damned thing with my pistol, i noticed something even worse about the snake. it had lost its rattles! so if it had been shaking its tail. i would never have heard it. now riddle me this? was it me being clumsy and almost tripping on my own two feet that saved my ass? or. was it an old faithful companion that saved me from the grave? i'll let you decide.
Definitely is Tigger.. Guys all of these stories are scary I couldn't imagine going thru that to scary for me but I love reading them keep them coming please ..
my heart tells me it was my big companion. since that incident. i still go back there. i still sit at his grave side for an hour, even two. and like clockwork. i still get that familiar rub on my calf to let me know he is still with me. it dont scare me that he does this. but it did scare me that i was not paying attention to my surroundings that he had to do that to save me. i know he didnt mind saving me that day. but he should be able to rest in peace and not protecting me. so for his sake, i take the extra precaution that i should knowing those things are in my yard.

one night I was at my best friends house (old farmland turned into a small cul-de-sac) with a few houses around, so me and him were sitting on his front porch shooting the shit around 11 p.m when we both saw something to our left, and looked over at this silver/grayish figure sort of jogging/floating down the street, we both just stared at it for a good 5-10 seconds until it reached the bottom of his neighbor across the streets driveway and vanished...we both started freaking out asking eachother if we seen that and all that...about 12-15 years ago...crazy shit

My daughter spent 7 weeks in the NICU at Cooks Childrens Hospital, that may have been the scariest time of my life
ooohh I imagine that...glad she ended up ok
I remember getting chased by a pit-bull on my bike, that motherfucker was vicious!! he gave up eventually...


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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