Wicked Zombies


I don't get marriage. I really don't. I mean, why would you trade in the single life and a comfy apartment for some fancy-shmancy, souped-up house in the 'burbs? Or share your overly-cushy queen sized bed with a guy who you think you might spend the rest of your life with, but he's actually paying visits to Malibu Barbie that works as his secretary. Or maybe his boss.
And sure, the honeymoon sex is good, but what happens after honeymoon sex? Things just get boring. I mean, there's only so many times you can eat the same brand of hot dog before you realize that you want a Polish sausage. And I think some of the guys might agree. After all, there are such things as mistresses, and when you look at the woman laying next to you and think, 'when's the last time we've had sex?' Well, that's when quite a few people decide that they might need one of those promiscuous women. Or maybe not promiscuous, maybe just 'in love' or whatever.
So, the next time you think about selling your nice little, one bedroom apartment, think of this: apartments may suck sometimes, but do you really want to be annoyed by pesky neighbors with a Martha Stewart complexion?

Question of the Day: Would you be okay if your guy/girl looked at porn?

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Hell yeah I need porn in my life to take the edge off of my day. (Aren't you in your teens)

Lets keep this PG-13...LOL!

So many capital letters.... Look, I totally get what you're saying, but what I'm saying is what I think; my opinion. And teenager's may not exactly need porn, but they have to get their sexual frustration out some way...

And about the whole I don't know everything? You're right, I don't, and I'm not pretending that I do. But this discussion is called My Take. It's my take on things. I know that there are happily married people out there, but I honestly don't see the point in marriage, myself, and that's what I was trying to say.

I'm sorry if I offended you, and I hope that your day gets better.


Before anyone gets angry, let me say that I didn't intend to cause any offense, so if I did, I apologize.

Now that you are a bit older how to you feel about this topic?

I would let girl look at what she likes. I am not jealous so it won't be a problem.
being a kid. you got a lot of time to grow up in yet. as far as the porn bit goes. i for one NEVER needed a spanker book to get things done because i have an extreme amount of self control. buy hey. to each their own.
no. i mean just that. self control. porn does nothing for me really. not even in the field of entertainment. why sit there and drool over what you know is out of the reach of the normal man? i always had better things to spend my money on. even in my teens. just the way i am.
spending yer life with sumone ya love is a great feeling.
i was merried fer 7 years before it all fell apart.
don't get me wrong, i still love her, and would do anything i can fer her....but we just don't last long around each other.
i hope ta find a good chick..
Have found her but we need to take it slow.
Both been hurt in past and need time to heal.
Wish us luck


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