Wicked Zombies


We just watched the second half of Cocoon for like the millionth time. I cried my eyeballs out when the old lady dies and the husband has her in the pool trying to revive her. Uggghhh!! Then I cried about everything else, it was a shit storm of female hormones gone nuts due to stupid Cocoon and Wilford Brimley. I hate that fucking movie! God damn it!

And I love it...I'm so ashamed. LOL

Anyone have a guilty/shameful movie they wanna share?

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We watch that here. It comes on the ABC family channel far too often to not catch it. I've seen it on my own more times than I want to try and think about.

You can always justify it with David Arquette and John C. Reilly being in it. "Josie Grossie! Josie Grossie!"

I like it too.
I watch all kinds of dumb movies and enjoy them:

Titanic - Billy Zane kicks ass and wins in the end
Father of the Bride 1 & 2 - fucks me up every time
Pete's Dragon - This is one of the greatest musicals ever
Never Ending Story - For some reason I think about different parts of this one all the time
Father of the Brides are both so good. Martin Short is so great! Now that I'm a mama I cry at both of them.
8 below - those poor dogs make me cry everytime

Pratical Magic - no comment

Three Amigos - its cheese ball but god i love it

What's eating Gilbert Grape - no comment

Mystic Pizza - ditto about the no comment here

Steel Magnolias and Terms of Endearment and Fried Green Tomatos - when you need to cry try these
DUDE! Three Amigos is a classic forever! " I am Dusty Bottom!" haha
Steel Magnolias can't play for five minutes before I find something to get upset about. My mom totally used to use it against me. She'd want me to hang out with her instead of going out, so she'd put that movie on and guilt me into staying home. lol It worked. Who can resist a good, unnecessary cry your eyeballs out kinda night?
Stick It. A chick flick, but it's Missy Peregrym in a leotard. What's not to like?

Get Smart. Normally I don't watch anything with Dwayne Johnson in it, but I have a thing for Anne Hathaway.

Crazy/Beautiful. Kirsten Dunst is another crush of mine. You know what's good? Turn the volume all the way down and that way, you'll be watching a movie you don't normally watch, but not hearing and paying attention to the storyline. Just watch the enjoyable scenes and go about your business in front of the tube like you normally do.

Superman 3. I just like to laugh at this train wreck.
Crazy/Beautiful is a good sexy movie!
I really like this movie soooooooooo much! LOL!
cause your baked a lot is my guess, ooohhh colors aaahhhh
Boys, boys, boys...Arguin' over Speed Racer. Speed Racer is fun and we know, you like the colors. Just the colors! Everybody smoke a bowl. ;)
that movie sucked cause it gave me the migraines


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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