Wicked Zombies


With the population of the living dwindling,any reasonable survivor must agree that the likeliness of killing off each and every one of the infected is nearly impossible. If we kould train and domesticate the undead to ignore the urges that kauses them to attack kould we eliminate the threat?

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in George Romero's "DAY OF THE DEAD", Dr. Logan had the same idea. where he messed up is when he was using human flesh as a reward. if things like raw beef were to be offered instead then i think it might work. thing is though is the zombies gonna go for it?
I say no. If only for the fact that these "creatures" are not a separate species but instead the death of another. No human willingly becomes one and in fact fights to his/her very last breath trying to prevent exactly that. If I fall fighting these ghouls and their assault on humanity I want nothing more than to have my body either buried or burned. Not to have my mindless,soulless shell as someones pack mule or unpaid servant. I have to believe that all the poor unfortunate souls who fell and wound up joining the ranks want nothing more than to be laid to rest like all humans before them. Population dwindling though unfortunate doesn't justify such a thing. We might just as well fill our empty citys with chimpanzees to get the same effect. A town full of creatures doesn't repair a town empty of people. So in my humble opinion I say "KILL THEM ALL!!!...ah...again..I guess" yea.
i got a better idead then to train them to be domestic servents. train them in eradication of their own kind. train a hand full of them in how to work a firearm. send them in to an infested city. then do what we train them for, KILL ZOMBIES. then when we clean out a city of undead, fortify that city. move to the next one and so on. once we have control of what we need, freeze the undead soldiers. then when we need them again, thaw them out and use them again. expendable soldiers. the undead wont eat them. we wont have to be eaten. and just freeze and store for later use. perfect use for the undead.
LOL that sounds like the Illuminati plan for the human race. Train them to kill themselves. LOL Genius!!
Domestication is impossible! Like the rabid wolf, the infected will attack all that they see, the infected will eat all that they see, the infected will INFECT ALL THAT THEY SEE! Realistically speaking we don't have the time, or the resources to domesticate every living dead. The problem is that the undead krop up exponentially. One person, infecting another, kan, within a month, lead to over 10 million infections. This simple scenario, where only 1 infected infects 1 uninfected person shows the horrors that the undead present. Save your humanitarian efforts for the poor and hungry. KILL THE DEAD AND HUNGRY!

Even if it did work, all it would take is a sneeze and the outbreak would happen again. And again, they would not be domesticated. Then they will try to kill us. They need to die. Every single one of the fuckers needs a bullet. I'll be happy to give it to them.
i still like the idea of teaching them to kill themselves. it would be easy to do. the danger is very low. and when done just freeze them till another outbreak came about. with the undead trained to kill their own kind, we can send in say around 10 stinkers to do the job. then when they do the most dangerous stuff, put the stinkers on ice in a walk in freezer for cold storage. if they get to where they refuse to be frozen then put a bullet in their head and train another in its place. there will be tons of them so its not like they will run low or anything. so why not take advantage of the endless resources that will be the undead?

I agree with the safe zone. I think survivors need a place that's fortified and hard to find and that way it's even safe from the threat of zombies finding it. I think it makes it good to repopulate.


However, I'm in the school of thought that wiping out majority of the species leaves the strongest to breed...and eventually we'd rebuild; so, I say tear the world down. Eradicate all structures, let the earth replenish, rebuild with those left and that requires eradicating those who did not survive. I say sweeper teams. City by city, state by state, nation by nation. Eradicate zombies, jetison the bodies to other planets, tear down existing things and the world starts over. survivors need to be on point for that though. like, for real.

Why on Earth would you want to jetison the zombies to other planets?!

That's just asking for alien zombie issues to come back and bite Earth in the ass. LOL

Well, at first I was gonna say burn them but then I realized that would release the virus into the atmosphere and then it'd rain zombie virus and contaminate EVERYTHING. So I figured after killing them of course lol we could jetison them elsewhere. What else are you gonna do with 7 billion bodies when you're trying to clean the earth up?

looking at it in a global point of view. our planet will be contaminated anyway. i mean while trying to get a foot hold. there will be contaminated dead breaking down into the soil of the earth anyway. that is part of why i recommended training like 10 of them into an extermination squad. if not with guns. with melee weapons. send them into a heavily infested area. then when they are done. reclaim the area for ourselves. secure it. then send them into the next place. when it comes to body disposal. there is not a bacteria yet that can stand up to fire. so i dont see the problem with cremation of the exterminated dead. because all things organic yield to fire. even bacteria strains. then when done. freeze the zombies we trained until we need them again. if it refuses to step into the freezer. kill it and train another. it would be easy to do. Dr. Logan trained Bud not to attack people. his fuck up came from the reward part. he used human flesh instead of fresh beef. when it comes down to it. human muscle is no different then cow muscle. so use beef in its place and you can train them to do what you need. to sweep and clear living space by killing their own kind.

oooooh good points.

I like the idea of having that zombie team though because it also eliminates the risk of sending in humans. and plus it's just more streamlined in the sensethe goal is accomplished without losing more survivors or expending more energy. so yeah. I guess we could just burn them but that sounds kinda gross and it'd be more appealing to my senses to just ship 'em off the planet, but I'm cool with the burning thing now that there's not the silent threat. and who is Dr. Logan?


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Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


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