Wicked Zombies


So I was thinking - Geocaching. Could it be useful in an outbreak?

Of course true geocaching is limited to those who have the means to geolocate (i.e. have some kind of GPS equipment) and would only work as long as the GPS sattelites maintain orbit. But could we take some of the core ideas of geocaching and use it to create a network of hard (i.e. pen+paper) communication points and supply sharing across the country?

My idea is this. Each "cache" would contain a list of other known caches, a logbook/diary for survivors to write down a note, and a "message board" for more multi-way communications.


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dont look at me brother. you lost me at the very mention of the word GEOCACHING. lol.

Maybe I should call it something else then... Drop points?
Basically know locations where people can donate supplies and leave messages, with the added benefit of a list of other known locations.

that would be WAY SIMPLER then what you were calling it before.

I'm a big nerd at heart, sometimes I get carried away :-P

So do ya think it could be useful in a post-outbreak world?

actually yes. if its kept fairly simple. when making a system. my grandfather had a saying.

"The more you complicate the plumbing. The easier it is to stop up the drain".

this saying not only includes plumbing but everyday life as well. so if you keep it base and simple and use a form of code that only you and your people know. then these caches of supplies and what not can be safe guarded and be there for later use if need be.

might want to keep it in code incase logbook is picked up by folks we don't know.

i agree. a code of some kind will be more then paramount at that point in time.

Coding would be the only way to keep the caches safe from stranger who would want it for themselves.

Makes sense. What kind of code then? A cryptographic code? It would have to be something that is easily translated, bearing in mind a log book could have a list of ten or more other caches - you don't want to spend valuable time trying to decode the book!

Has anyone ever played the actual game? 

looks interesting enough. can even be used to get into walking shape before z-poc happens. plus it would be a good dry run for when the gps systems crash and need a good old fashioned compass and map to do the work.

I hit a couple of local caches a while back :)


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