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Lifestyle Learning: Making Your Own Bow and Quiver

By Holly Giles | Great Outdoors

Pretending to be Robin Hood in the forest with a bow and quiver or Indians on the Plains, a bow and arrow can bring delight to every child. We have had our share of plastic suction cup arrows in our house and now the boys have real bows and backyard targets.

Along the way, Grant was inspired to make his own bow and quiver when he was around seven. He came up with a design that would be a great handicraft for your kids to make next time they want to target practice.


a piece of PVC pipe that is 16 inches long and with a 1.5 to 2-inch diameter. This is for the quiver.

a piece of PVC pipe that is about 3 feet long. Add a few inches if your child is more than 4.5 feet tall. This PVC is bendable. It comes with a blue stripe down the length at the local home improvement store. It should be about 1/2 inch diameter. This is for the bow.

a piece of paracord or rope at least 20 inches long.

A piece of marine twine or bank line. You will need 5 feet to be safe.

A fabric of choice that is at least 20 inches by 8 inches.

Duck tape or electrical tape.


First, cut the PVC pipe. If you have tools at home to do this have the kids measure and mark the pipe for cutting. A home improvement store can also cut the pipe for you. Next, there are a few options for making the strap and covering one end of the pipe.

Option one: Cut two circles of duct tape the diameter of the pipe. Put them together with sticky sides facing in. Next, place the circle on one end and use two more pieces of duct tape to make a cross across the bottom to keep the circle in place.Then, use one piece of duct tape, enough to go around the top of the pipe. Tape one end of the rope or paracord to the top of the pipe.Do the same at the other end of the pipe with the remaining end of the rope. The rope should span from one end of the pipe to the other.  This is the strap to go over the shoulder.

Option two: Sew a cover over the pipe. This will cover the pipe and the open end so the arrows will stay inside. Grant chose to sew with a leftover piece of fabric. Hand sewing with a larger needle was easier for him and he did large stitches. He sewed it in place on the pipe, but that was a little tricky! Measuring is always a good option.  First, lay the rope over the short end of the fabric. Fold over about a half inch, enough where the rope still slides. Sew on the fold. Then, sew down the length and close up the other end. This project does not have to be perfect. Rough edges were the goal for Grant and his rustic style quiver. Slip the cover over the pipe and it is ready for arrows!


Take the 3-foot long piece of PVC and notch each end as shown in the photo. At each notch tie a knot with the end of your marine twine. Pull the twine tight between the two ends, but not enough to bend the PVC.

Next, Grant used duct tape in the middle of the bow to help him always know where the center was and line up his arrow.

This project can be as simple as needed for the age of your children. Grant was seven when he made this bow and quiver. He filled it with his arrows, sticks, bouncy balls, rocks and anything else he felt like carrying around. He beamed with pride because he made it himself.

Giving children a project, like the bow and quiver, that teaches and stretches their ability will propel their belief in themselves to keep trying new things. Allowing them to create solutions for simple problems helps their critical thinking in real life. Grant needed a holder for the arrows that kept getting lost or stepped on and making his own quiver gave him a project along with a solution.

Gather up all your Robin Hoods and their arrows this week and give them materials to create their own bow and quiver

20 DIY Quiver Projects – How To Make A Quiver For Arrows

If you are a fan of hunting then this is for you. You can learn as many best possible ways to make a quiver for your needs. The best part of having things is when you are able to get them done by yourself.

I have put together a list of the most unique DIY quiver projects that you can make from the comfort of your home. I hope you find a suitable quiver for your arrows.


1. Archery Quiver

1. Archery Quiver

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This is an archery quiver that is built from scratch using an HT- pipe. There is also a special casing with a strap that this goes with so you don’t need to carry your quiver with difficulty. To make this, you will need a pipe and an end lid. First, cut the pipe to shape and sand through the edges. Attach the slits, lid, and a grip.

2. DIY Leather Quiver

2. DIY Leather Quiver

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If you love to work around with leather then this is your sure bet? There is a combination of light brown leather for the middle and deep brown leather at the edges giving it an adorable look. Cut the shape you desire and attach the pieces together carefully with a needle and leather glue.

3. Archers Quiver DIY

3. Archers Quiver DIY

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This soft DIY quiver is made of canvas. I trust you did not expect this! But, there is a little touch of leather for the pouch and the handle. Cut out the three layers for the body and pocket then sew each piece with a machine. You can use copper rivets to attach the hardware to the body.

4. DIY Quiver And Arrows

4. DIY Quiver And Arrows

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Have you ever seen a quiver made of cardstock? This can be easily used as a centerpiece. It is two way too, you can either hang it or you keep it sitting on a platform. This is easy to make. Attach your decorative paper to the cardstock and roll then glue it and make a base.

5. Blood Red DIY Leather Arrow Quiver

5. Blood Red DIY Leather Arrow Quiver

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Making a DIY quiver needs exceptionality to differentiate from the rest. This is a scaled leather quiver with a pouch and belt that can be adjustable. It also has a bow attached to it. You can always use a mold to shape your design then stamp and dye. Stitch the pieces together carefully.

6. DIY Leather Back Quiver

6. DIY Leather Back Quiver

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This DIY leather quiver gives you an easy project to work on. It has two patterns for the top and the body and a dangling button for the pouch. Attach the extras to the body before sealing it up completely. For the strap, you can crisscross some lace in and out of created holes.

7. DIY Archery Quiver

7. DIY Archery Quiver

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This beautiful no-sew DIY quiver can carry just a few arrows or sticks depending on the need for your hunt. It is a really slim cardboard tube, well patterned with bright colors and twines as the strap. Fold the paper into two and cut off the extras. Attach your designs and seal the paper on a tube. Punch holes and secure the twine with a stapler.

8. DIY No Sew Quiver

8. DIY No Sew Quiver

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You don’t need a machine for this DIY quiver and it is customized with macramé arrows and a bow. You need to work with cotton string, wooden beads, drop cloth, and empty cans among other things. The top of the arrow is made of strings and the tip from an old can. Making the quiver will get you twisting, tacking, and folding.

9. DIY Primitive Arrow Quiver

9. DIY Primitive Arrow Quiver

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This DIY quiver gives a reminder of primitive hunting experience with the fur all around the quiver. This is made of red stag hide. Measure and cut out what you want to use. Sew together with the strap. If you want to have a primitive hunting experience I would recommend making this DIY quiver.

10. DIY Duct Tape Quiver

10. DIY Duct Tape Quiver

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If you love to work with duct tape then you are not left out. This shiny duct tape DIY quiver gives it an exceptional glow. Measure your arrows and cut the duct tape. Keep attaching until you get a cylinder. Seal the bottom and attach a strap.

11. How To Build A Quiver For $10

This low budget quiver is made of pipes that are partitioned into three layers and attached together. You can make your pipes bigger so it will not be difficult to fit the arrows into the pipe. The bottom is created by cutting the top of a bottle that can fit and attaching it so you can screw open the quiver when you need it.

12. How To Make A Bamboo Quiver

This is a combination of an easy to make quiver, bow, and arrow. You will surely wonder how the bamboo got bent. Cut the length of bamboo you want to use and get the inner pieces out. Then attach a lid to the bottom. When using a clamp, don’t make it too hard so it doesn’t give way.

13. How To Make A Quiver Using Old Torn Pants

Here’s one of those fun crafts to try out. You can use an old trouser and transform it into a DIY quiver. Cut some pieces of string and sew to the edge of the quiver to seal it. Then fix the strap.

14. How To Make A Bark Arrow Quiver

This quiver is made from tree bark. Slice from the bottom to the top so you can detach the bark from the actual tree easily so it will not be ripped off. Punch two holes in the top. Tie the top together. Fold the bottom on itself and tie with a string. Make the tie evenly spread so the excess can be fixed up for the strap.

15. DIY Wooden Arrow Quiver

15. DIY Wooden Arrow Quiver

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This DIY quiver is made of eastern red cedar wood. Remove the bark and seal. Cut the wood, make a hollow, and glue. When you are done, put a clear finish on the wood.

16. DIY PVC Quiver

16. DIY PVC Quiver

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This easy DIY quiver is made of PVC and a length of paracord. Drill a hole in the top and bottom and use the paracord through the hole. Make sure this is done on the lower base. Strap the cord well twice and you are good to go.

17. No-Sew Kids Quiver

17. No-Sew Kids Quiver

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If you are looking for an interesting project for your kids then this can help. It is made of cans and fabric of different patterns. There is no need to sew if you have no knowledge of sewing. Wrap your fabric around the Pringles can and lay another patterned fabric on it. Attach a sling with a ribbon.

18. The 5 Minute Quiver

18. The 5 Minute Quiver

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This DIY quiver takes less than 5 minutes to recreate and you don’t even have to sew. It is a black detachable quiver and the strap is adjustable. Cut out your pieces then attach the ribbon for the strap with glue. Finally, hot glue along the sides and the bottom then fix in your strap.

19. How To Make A Leather Quiver

This is a really classy DIY quiver made from leather. It has a rectangular shape and is pretty much easy to carry around. The making of this leather quiver might not be a walk in the park, however, with determination, you should be able to get the hang of it.

20. DIY Pringles Quiver

20. DIY Pringles Quiver

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This pringle’s can DIY quiver is pretty much simple to come up with. First, you have to empty the contents of the can and drill a hole at the bottom. Mark the measurements you want to use. Fix in a part for the strap on the body then use a Popsicle stick guard at the base. This shouldn’t take so much of your time.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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