Wicked Zombies


Pop Quiz: Do You Know How to Survive the Heat?

by James Hubbard, MD, MPH

Pop quiz: Do you know how to survive the heat? | The Survival Doctor


First question: What natural phenomenon kills more people in the United States than all other disasters combined?

Answer: summer heat waves.

If you have a heatstroke, you have an 80 percent chance of dying unless you get early and aggressive, expert medical treatment. Even then, one out of 10 people dies.

The best way to avoid a heatstroke is … avoid the heat. Simple in normal circumstances. Just monitor the weather, and stay in the air-conditioning on those very hot days.

But what about abnormal circumstances? What if you don’t have air-conditioning or it goes out? Or what if some emergency occurs and you have to get out even on the hottest day? Maybe you have to run, or hike with a backpack, or cut down fallen trees. Do you know how to avoid a heatstroke even in those extreme circumstances?

Take the quiz and find out. (The answers come from my two past posts on how to survive the heat and how to prevent heatstroke.)

One of the many heartbreaking features of heatstrokes is that the vast majority are preventable. So if you enjoy this quiz, why not challenge your friends to beat your score (and educate them in the process)?

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Heat stroke is a serious issue in the summer months.

I worked on a linecrew back when I lived in North Carolina...It was 102 out in the shade and my crew were the ones voted to dig and put in telephone lines for this one building which had a layer of dirt, 5 inches of rock under the dirt and I swear was 3 feet of red clay...Well we dug and dug from 6:30 am until 12:30 in the afternoon. We had a four man crew and come 12:30 we were down to a 2 man crew because two of our crew dropped...It was around 3:30 pm when I ended up passing out and don't remember anything after that except for waking up in the hospital...

   And I found out that my supervisor later on that night ended up going to the doctor because he ended up passing out from heat exhaution...

   So you need to make sure you drink double the water, Tea, Coffee, Powerade and Gatorade...And don't let anyone tell you that drinking coffee or tea isn't helping, because it is...I found this out on my own...

   For an entire summer I kept a glass or bottle of tea with me all throughout the day. Granted I tended to piss a little more then usual, but I never once summered anything heat related...I tried the same thing with powerade and gatorade and about middle ended up with cramps and doubled in sweat...I'll recommend these two drinks for a quick pick me up, but using these straight out without any kind of water back up, DON'T TRY IT!!! You'll end up getting muscle cramps and feeling like shit towards the end of your day...Now I will say alternate these drinks with water in between and I think they work better...

   So remember, Drink water, take 5 to 10 minute breaks every 30 minutes if the temps reach above 85 degrees, and also wear a hat and sun screen...Remember, short sleeve shirts are fine, but if you're going to work outside for a long period of time, DO NOT WEAR Tank Tops...These offer no protection from the rays of the sun...Plus the sweat absorbed by your shirt will cool you down and damn near feel like you're in air conditioning when the wind blows..

   So this summer, Be Safe! Have Fun! And Don't Name it after me!!!! (LOL)


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