Wicked Zombies


One of the tenants of Survival Planning that this Survival Writer believes Survival in a Total Collapse, be it in an Urban or Suburban Area or in a Remote or Rural Area will be near impossible in a very small group. I am very sure of my ability to survive wilderness conditions and even conditions where armed men are actively hunting me, but that is simply surviving like an animal – there would be no reasonable correlation to living.

To be able to maintain security, accomplish daily survival or life tasks such as fixing things, tending to vegetable crops, procuring foods and other things, cooking, and resting the Survival Group would need at least four adults who are competent and could be counted upon. The more in this Survival Group, the more survival tasks could be rotated and usually a better quality of life.

However, the more people in your Survival Group the more commodities and food will be consumed and the greater the chances there are of human conflict.

Choose wisely who you bring into your Survival Group. In the fictional Survival Novel, Patriots – A Novel of Survival in the Coming Collapse, the Survival Group plans well ahead of time ensuring that the Group has adequate supplies at the Safe Location (a farm in Southern Idaho). They go so far as to ensure all members of the Group buy the same type of camouflage uniforms and firearms to have compatibility.

Both in the Novels, Patriots and Lights Out, the Survival Groups well into the beginning of the Collapse begin a process to interview and otherwise vet (check out) new incoming potential Survival Group members to make sure they only allow people who can contribute in some form or fashion to the overall group survival effort.

If you haven't read those books, you really need to. Patriots is available through the Amazon carousel at the bottom of this page. Lights Out is available (free as a PDF download) through the link under Book Reviews.

So not only are you going to have to be careful who you clue into your Urban Survival Plan and Preparations, you need to make sure they can contribute and will not be a burden.

You will also need to plan for strap hangers showing up. What if a young mother comes to your door and begs for you to help her? What if you refuse and she then begs for you to take her 3 year old baby? Human nature is to be compassionate. Human nature is also to be jealous and greedy. Bringing in an untested and unknown someone into your small Survival Group could spell doom. Refusing to help someone could also damage your humanity quotient for lack of a better term.

Think and wargame various possible scenarios. For Jim, he would have to think about his ex-wife. What if she calls or shows up at the beginning of a collapse? What if she and her new boyfriend and baby show up at the Family Cabin? Who else has she told about it? All of a sudden the duration, that the food in Jim’s Survival Cache will last, is reduced in half. What happens if you have several adult single males in your group and your wife or girlfriend is the only female?

I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea. Be prepared and that preparation starts with thinking about and Wargaming likely events and possible solutions.

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Taking in ANY new team member will be one hell of a risk. Even the most innocent looking child can be enough to take down a team or survival group. During the Vietnam war. Child soldiers took out almost as many of our troops as the NVA or Vietcong did. When taking ANYONE! You will need to be very sharp and on your toes. Watch them closely and NEVER let them out of your sight for a long long time. And definitely don't let them in on security measures. Not until they earn their place. No matter what they offer.

i agree but in order to form an ever stronger group, and hopefully civilization you need to open to bringing in new people. extra hands to do the work. and people skills you may not have. where would the people at the prison have been if they didn't bring new people in. they had a really good thing going till the governor showed back up.

which brings me to another point always finish what you start. never leave an enemy alive. no what how defeated or hurt. it is the wounded predator that strikes back hardest. once someone turns against you must obliterate them. complete and total annihilation must be the fate of all who would dare take sides against you. there's a time to be generous and a time to be merciless! the head that bites must be looped off and ground into the dirt with heal of your boot. never go in to a first encounter seeking a fight but always be ready to offer one should the need arise. when it does strike with out remorse, scorch the very earth your enemy stands on till nothing can ever grow again. in conclusion, talk softly but carry a big gun!

i agree you have to be open to taking in new people. and the prison had a very good way to do it. a committee to go before. if there was any doubt. if it was not a unanimous decision. no entry. that is how i would do it. and i do strongly agree on the enemy. i look at them like a dog. extend the hand. then if they bite, put them down! i would not used the scorched earth policy. reason being what they find of use can be used by me. but that does not mean if they run into a hole that i wont dig that hole up to get them. next best thing. collapse it in on them. never turn down a good hole that can be used as a grave. especially if they already dug it for ya. lol. boom and done.

the scorched earth thing was more of a metaphor you know.

I know. Lol.

I would add that groups should be take and train willing people. That expands the survival chain and gives a group great numbers. Some people have a certain skill set but do not teach others because are selfish. They are just as bad as the wolves in society.

well yeah those who are willing should be absorbed and used. only those who go against you should be crushed.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


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