Wicked Zombies


winter storm diaster survival blog doomsday prep

It may seem like Monday morning quarterbacking, but we want everyone to think about what happened recently in the SE United States to prepare.  When you prepare and plan ahead you limit the number of bad things that can happen to you and your family when a major storm or event hits your area.

The Urban Survival Center sent out an email prior to the storm reminding everyone to be prepared, but we know that everyone is very busy Bug Out Bagand the email was easy to over look or not read immediately. So we thought we would cover the topic in a little more detail and provide some information you may find helpful.

There have been two major winter storms over the past few weeks that created tremendous problems in the eastern United States.  Even those living in Florida were affected by the cold, freezing rain and some snow.  In each of these storms people were trapped in their cars for hours. In some cases, it took people almost 18 hours to transverse what was a 1 hour drive under normal circumstances.  It was amazing to me how many people blamed the government for the travel problems and yet they showed no signs they were any better prepared for the winter storm.

There are many things you can so to prevent yourself from suffering when these winter storms occur. As with all prevention methods, planning is the key to success.

Thus, the first step is to have a Get Home Plan.

Listed below are five vital elements of being prepared for a natural disaster or storm. Naturally, this is an abbreviated version, but the key topics are covered.winter storm prep get home bag plan doomsday prep survival blog

1. If you feel there is an impending storm, whether a winter or summer storm. Especially, if the weather sources are warning of a potentially dangerous situation in the near future. Thus, you have several days notice of the impending event. Then do not go out .  Stay home and hunker down.  This includes weather systems like severe thunderstorms, hurricanes, winter snow storms and ice storms.

2. If you do need to go out to work, school or for any reason then you need a Get Home Plan. As mentioned, in my article on Urban Survival, you should have several safe havens .  Thus, as part of a good plan you should have access to several safe havens.

This means you and your family need to know the locations they can go to for safe haven. Whether it is your mom and dad’s house, brother or sister’s place, your office or even a friend’s home. These are locations that you have the key and permission to enter during times of emergency. This also makes it easier for family members to locate each other.

3. you need to communicate with your family. It is imperative, that you let them know where you are and your plans.  This is vital.  The extra strain of a family worrying and even taking the chances of going out and looking for you, places more people at risks.

4. If you get upset about your situation, then you will make bad decisions. It is very important in these untoward situations that you do your best to remain relaxed and think about your actions. For example, in the most recent storm in Atlanta, it took many people extended hours twinter storm prep plan survival blogo travel very short distances. That can be very frustrating and cause you to be hurried and anxious. All which can lead to distractions and cause you to make incorrect decisions.

5. Finally, you need to have a Get Home Bag in every vehicle. This is essential to your safety in a natural disaster or storm, in particular when you might be trapped in your vehicle for an extended period of time.

Your Get Home bag can be a backpack, duffel bag or an overhead luggage case. It should be a container you can easily wear or carry if you need to be mobile. These all can be placed in the truck of your vehicle.

For your convenience I have listed the twenty essential contents of you Get Home Bag.

Get Home Bag Contents

1. Season appropriate clothing including shirt, sweater, pants, socks

2. Work gloves

3. Plastic rain poncho

4. Walking shoes

5. Hat

6. Sunglasses

7. Rope 50ft

8. First Aid Kit

9. Compass/GPS/Local map

10. Flashlight with extra batteries

11. Lighter

12. Water/Gatorade/Juice x3

13. Snacks/Candy bars/Gum

14. Knife

15. Multitool

16. Prepaid credit card($100)/Cash ($50)

17. Personal Protection supplies

18. Two days of medications

19. Toilet paper

20. Wet wipes

We hope this information will be of value to you and help you avoid being caught unprepared in an incidence like this again.

The best to all of you and be safe,

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They forgot one. A good GMRS hand radio. Reason being civilians use them to coordinate with rescue teams to find survivors and get them help. This item will allow you to tell them where you are and get help for those with you that may be injured to badly to walk out. I keep one in my get home bag that has a 35 mile range on it.

yeah that is a good edition, thumbs up

another thing to make sure you do when it comes to these GMRS radios. ALWAYS get the ones with rechargeable batteries. as soon as i get up. i put it in my bag and as soon as i get ready for bed. back on charge for the next day. and being they come in twos. i alternate between them so no one radio gets to much use. and being life can depend on it. go for the one with the high range. even my base radio has a 35 mile range. here are the pictures of what i use. they are very good life saving investments.

the base unit has a hand crank so i can keep it going even if the power goes out and USB ports to charge a cell phone if need be.

hey how much are those i know you must have a guy and my communication is sorely lacking.

I got them before I opened my business. But let me do some digging and make some calls. I will find out for ya.


Well bro. Did some digging. Got some good news and bad.

Good news first. Out of all the suppliers I got. Only 1 deals in radios like these.

Now the bad news. They are all out of both types of radio. And since corporate decided to go all tech with the inventory. They quit making catalogs 2 years ago. Explained why I never got one from them in a long time. So when I asked other then my mail box being lighter how this effected the price of eggs in China? Here is what he told me. Due to the inventory being monitored by the computer. He could not give me any pricing on them in any way.

But the bright point to the gloom is this. I will be notified when more come in. That way I can tell you not only when they come in. But what they run. for all the advantages hi tech has. There is times it can be a real nut biter. lol.

it cool man whenever, i dont got money right now to buy anything anyway.

I will keep ya in the loop though, ;-)


No Emergency Med-Kit?

number 8 is a first aid kit.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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